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Marada was accidentally discovered in August 2004 when a British student used a telephone box that was in fact a Time Machine - or H.O.M.E.R (History of Marada Extra-dimensional Replicator). Since then, over 9,065,822 people have visited at different times and have missed out on many items from the past. Every Saturday, 30 items are randomly selected from the Time Machine List.

You can use the Time Machine once every 48 hours with a Time Machine Token. Each ride will take you back in time and you'll carry back 4 items. You'll receive a random retired item from the current Prize List plus a time-based Booster, Wand and Mystery Bag. It is against the rules to use the Time Machine for another player.

Account Upgrades Credit
Purchase Account Upgrade Credit
30% extra credit FREE with your next transaction
You'll also win a FREE Clover Garden, Slice of Broccoli Pizza & Toddler Decadal Plushie

Underwater Creatures
Underwater Pearl
Underwater Potato
Underwater Stamp
Underwater Tunes
Undying Book
Undying Costume
Undying Fairy
Undying Fairy Pearl
Undying Fairy Songs
Undying Fairy Stamp
Undying Minipets
Undying Trading Card
Undying Tunes
Unholy Lati Trading Card
Uploads Sindi Plushie
Uploads Stamp
Used Santa Hat
Ushunda Necklace
Vacation Shirt
Valentine Pearl
Valentine Potato Stamp
Valentine Sindi Mask
Valentine Stamp
Valentine's Day
Vampire Attack Music
Vampire Corset
Vampire Girl Costume
Vampire Pearl
Vampire Quell Wings
Vampire Shoes
Vampire Sightings Book
Vampire Skirt
Vampire Stamp
Vampire Suspenders
Vampire Top
Vanilla Brownie
Vanilla Cornet
Verano Summoning Stone
Vibrant Sweater
Village Pearl
Villain Gumball
Villain Mask Stamp
Villain Music
Villain Pearl
Villain Potato
Villain Stamp
Villain Trading Card
Villains Assemble
Villains Attack
Vintage Devil Costume
Vintage Murfin Plushie
Vintage Pumpkin Costume
Vintage Santa Hat
Vintage Top
Vintage Werewolf Costume
Vintage Witch Costume
Viotto Doll
Viotto Figurine
Vira Dress
Vixen Costume
Vixen Doll
Vixen Skin
Vlad Figurine
Vlad Headband
Vlad Party Dress
Vortex Pearl
Vortex Stamp
Vortex Warning Book
Walee Necklace
Wallop Figurine
War Long Pants
War Pants
War Shirt
War Sleeveless Top
Warm Boots
Warm Sweater
Wasabi Croissant
Wasp Wings
Waste Trading Card
Weather Stamp
Web Waistcoat
Wedding Cake
Wedding Pearl
Wedding Potato
Wee Trading Card
Werewolf Book
Werewolf Pearl

If you add the Time Machine Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Time Machine every 24 hours instead of every 48 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect