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  1. Sign Here On My Petition.
    20th Aug 2010 14:32
    13 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
  2. If
    20th Apr 2009 14:11
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  3. You
    20th Apr 2009 14:11
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  4. Miss
    20th Apr 2009 14:10
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  5. Me,
    20th Apr 2009 14:10
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  6. Post
    20th Apr 2009 14:10
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  7. [Here]
    20th Apr 2009 14:09
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  8. Blog #218482
    20th Apr 2009 14:05
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  9. My Writes!!
    10th Apr 2009 20:40
    15 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. Irradiant's Learnies!
    28th Mar 2009 05:33
    15 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
20th Apr 2009 14:10

She awoke to the beautiful sun shining through the many cracks in her bedroom shades. In the corner of her eye, she saw a shifting figure which begged for her attention. She switched her gaze to the left of her to see a young teenaged girl with dark brown hair all ratted as a mop on the top of her head. Whoever this woman was, she was in horrible condition and in need of a shower. She waved hi as her reflection raised its hand and waved back. It was her. She mustve been staring into a mirror. As she stepped one leg out from under the covers and the frigid, stale air licked her skin, her arm sprouted goosebumps. Suddenly, a call came from downstairs. It was her mother no doubt.

- "Ronnie! You need to wake up now sweetie!"

Ronnie refused to say a word in response after the big argument the two had induced the night prior. She carried herself down each step forcing her body weight onto both leg so that it forced a loud pounding sound. Another reply from her mom.

- "C'mon, honey, you cant still be upset."

And once again, Ronnie produced nothing but silence. She grabbed a quick breakfast of lucky charms cereal before hopping in the shower. Opening her wardrobe to find a jumble of designer clothes, Ronnie decided to dress herself in one of her favorite outfits. A plain white tank top tucked into a skirt of black and grey plaid. She brushed her hair out and dryed it. With hair this naturally straight, she never had use for a straightening iron. This was perfectly acceptable. She topped it off with a flower clip. Running her fingers over it and through her hair brought back memories of the past. Before her father moved away and before the incident which caused him to. Eventually, her mind went into a familiar mode. One that it does occasionally. This was the beginning of a flashback, but it wasnt just any flashback. This was THE flashback. It haunted her nightmares and her day dreams. No matter where Ronnie was or what she was doing, these images always seemed to follow her.

It was a rainy day full of clouds. The sun wasnt visible, but it was surely there. Ronnie was wearing one of her favorite outfits. It was brand new at the time. As she made her way down the street and towards the library, a white van strolled by and protruded the sound of a car horn. Ronnie just rolled her eyes. She was used to it by now. She was a beautiful young lady with a great figure so she had to watch out for those boys. You know the type. It drove past her and rounded a corner before fleeing Ronnie's sight completely. After a few moments of silent walking, another beep sounded. She jerked her head suddenly to give the "honker" the death stare, but was caught off gaurd when a rusty old pick up truck, the honker, swerved to pull up next to the curb. An older man, about 35 or 40, exited the vehicle before running towards the girl. He had light brown facial hair, but a buzzed haircut. Ronnie knew what was happening. She had watched her share of crime shows. She had seen plenty of those murder mysteries. She was about to be abducted. Trying to think back to what the steps were when being in this circumstance, Ronnie screamed "FIRE" and ran as fast as she could away from the man. This man was in shape and fit though. She wound up on the ground as a fabric material was forced over her head. Blinding her and driving her to start hyperventalating. With a stern voice, the man commanded that she stay calm. He picked her up off of the ground and dragged her back in the direction of his truck. Trying not to risk losing her steady breaths again, Ronnie obeyed whatever was shouted at her. She sat herself in the truck with the abductors help as her eyes started to swell up and tears swam down her rosy cheeks. It was now that wild thoughts ran through her head.
"What would her family think happened to her?"
"When will they start wondering where she is?"
"who will take care of her multiple pets?"
"Where is this stranger taking her?"
"How could she allow herself to be kidnapped?"
"Why the hell didnt she take a more busy street?!"
So many thoughts racing through her head. Suddenly, a phone rang. It was a tone that Ronnie knew very well. She had assigned it to her father specifically. It was her cell phone and the man knew it. He reached his sweaty, muscular hands into her sweatshirt pocket and grabbed her cell phone. He answered it after checking the caller ID.

- "Listen closely. I have your daughter with me as we speak and if you plan on holding her once again, your going to want to write this down."

Ronnie slowed her breathing down so that she could listen more intensely. She could just barely make out the voice of her dad on the other side of the line.

- "Who is this?!"
- "You dont need to know that. All you need to know is the following information."
- "You have absolutely no idea who-"
- "SHUT UP! You are to meet me on the corner of 2nd and 4th with a sum of 250 thousand. Understood?"

At this point, she could no longer hear her fathers voice. That didnt matter for it wasnt long after that Ronnie's abductor hung up the phone and put it in his own pocket for his own use. The motor vehichle came to a jolting stop as it reached its final destination. The sound of a car door off to Ronnie's left opening and then closing once again rang in her ears. What fate was she about to meet? She had no desire to find out.

The car door nearest her stood ajar for a moment before Ronnie was pulled from it. The fabric material still enclosed over her face. In a matter of seconds, the veil was whipped off and the brightness hit her like the high beams of a car on the highway. Even through the fog and the dark rainy clouds of the day. She would be blinded to the light for a few moments she knew. "BANG!" It was a frightening sound. Loud and Spontaneous. A gunshot. Whose was it? Ronnie felt no pain. Adjusting her eyes finally to the boring grey of the sky, she recognized a figure in the distance. A shadowy man. From the outline, even so far away, Ronnie acknowledged the fact that the shot had been sprouted from the pistol this man was grasping tightly. She stole a quick glance at the man who had kidnapped her. He was wriggling on the ground in pain. A smile danced across her face as she realized the face of her savior. Her father shared that grin as he engrossed her in his arms.

Picking up his phone, Ronnie's father dialed three numbers that were so common that even she herself knew that it was the emergency number. She pleaded with him to end the call, fully aware that if the police found the "honker" near dead on the floor and the gun which the bullet came from in her dad's hands that he would wind up in jail. It was no use. She couldnt stop him for he had to do what was right being a citizen of the state. Ronnie was taken away to go home. Her father was taken to the police department in a cop car. The blinding lights of the blue and red from the top of the white car etched into Ronnie's brain and there they would stay. She met her father's gaze through the windows as she mouthed the words

- "I love you dad."

Ronnie found herself snapping back into reality, almost whispering those four words to herself. Her mother called from downstairs. At this time, Ronnie had forgotten completely all about yesterdays disgruntle.

- "Ronnie darling, Guess whose here!"

but Ronnie already knew. Today was the anniversary of her abduction. It had been 4 years since then and today was the very day that her father would be released from prison. Could it be that he was home? She ran out of her bedroom, down the hallway, nearly tripped down the stairs, and found herself face to face with the only man she loved. Her father was home. Embraced in his warmth. All three family members shared a rejoice and a sigh of relief as the world was lifted from each of their shoulders.

And finally, the nightmares and the flashbacks ended. That very day was forgotten and put into the past. Ronnie grew up and had a daughter of her very own. An artist. Even though the incident is far behind her, Ronnie still takes precaution with her daughter. As for now, life is great for her and her family.



thanks for this oppurtunity and
good luck with the judging Ronnie.
im sure you have plenty of great stories coming your way.

15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
20th Apr 2009 14:09

{ You know you love me! Haw haw! That's why you came to this blog! You wanted me to never forget you! Trust me, if your my true friend, i never will! }

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.
~William Shakespeare

15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
20th Apr 2009 14:05

How Could You?

When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend.

Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask, "How could you?" -- but then you'd relent and roll me over for a belly rub.
My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed and listening to your confidences and secret dreams, and I believed that life could not be any more perfect.

We went for long walks and runs in the park, car rides, stops for ice cream (I only got the cone because "ice cream is bad for dogs" you said), and I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.

Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for a human mate. I waited for you patiently, comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments, never chided you about bad decisions, and romped with glee at your homecomings, and when you fell in love.

She, now your wife, is not a "dog person" -- still I welcomed her into our home, tried to show her affection, and obeyed her. I was happy because you were happy.

Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement. I was fascinated by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them, too. Only she and you worried that I might hurt them, and I spent most of my time banished to another room, or to a dog crate. Oh, how I wanted to love them, but I became a prisoner of love."

As they began to grow, I became their friend. They clung to my fur and pulled themselves up on wobbly legs, poked fingers in my eyes, investigated my ears, and gave me kisses on my nose. I loved everything about them and their touch -- because your touch was now so infrequent -- and I would've defended them with my life if need be. I would sneak into their beds and listen to their worries and secret dreams, and together we waited for the sound of your car in the driveway.

There had been a time, when others asked you if you had a dog, that you produced a photo of me from your wallet and told them stories about me. These past few years, you just answered "yes" and changed the subject. I had gone from being "your dog" to "just a dog," and you resented every expenditure on my behalf.

Now, you have a new career opportunity in another city, and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow dogs. You've made the right decision for your "family," but there was a time when I was your only family.
I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the animal shelter. It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. You filled out the paperwork and said, "I know you will find a good home for her." They shrugged and gave you a pained look. They understand the realities facing a middle-aged dog, even one with "papers."

You had to pry your son's fingers loose from my collar as he screamed, "No, Daddy! Please don't let them take my dog!" And I worried for him, and what lessons you had just taught him about friendship and loyalty, about love and responsibility, and about respect for all life.

You gave me a good-bye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and politely refused to take my collar and leash with you. You had a deadline to meet and now I have one, too. After you left, the two nice ladies said you probably knew about your upcoming move months ago and made no attempt to find me another good home. They shook their heads and asked, "How could you?"

They are as attentive to us here in the shelter as their busy schedules allow. They feed us, of course, but I lost my appetite days ago.

At first, whenever anyone passed my pen, I rushed to the front, hoping it was you that you had changed your mind -- that this was all a bad dream. Or I hoped it would at least be someone who cared, anyone who might save me. When I realized I could not compete with the frolicking for attention of happy puppies, oblivious to their own fate, I retreated to a far corner and waited. I heard her footsteps as she came for me at the end of the day, and I padded along the aisle after her to a separate room. A blissfully quiet room.

She placed me on the table and rubbed my ears, and told me not to worry. My heart pounded in anticipation of what was to come, but there was also a sense of relief. The prisoner of love had run out of days.

As is my nature, I was more concerned about her. The burden which she bears weighs heavily on her, and I know that, the same way I knew your every mood. She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek. I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago.

She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein. As I felt the sting and the cool liquid coursing through my body, I lay down sleepily, looked into her kind eyes and murmured "How could you?"

Perhaps because she understood my dog wisper, she said "I'm so sorry."

She hugged me, and hurriedly explained it was her job to make sure I went to a better place, where I wouldn't be ignored or abused or abandoned, or have to fend for myself --a place of love and light so very different from this earthly place.

And with my last bit of energy, I tried to convey to her with a thump of my tail that my "How could you?" was not directed at her. It was directed at you, My Beloved Master, I was thinking of you. I will think of you and wait for you forever. May everyone in your life continue to show you so much loyalty.

A Note from the Author (not me) :

If "How Could You?" brought tears to your eyes as you read it, as it did to mine as I wrote it, it is because it is the composite story of the millions of formerly "owned" pets who die each year in American and Canadian animal shelters. Anyone is welcome to distribute the essay for a noncommercial purpose, as long as it is properly attributed with the copyright notice.

How Could You?
Copyright ?? Jim Willis 2001 - 2008, all rights reserved

My Writes!!
15 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
10th Apr 2009 20:40

My Poem: Please Do Not Steal As I Worked Really Hard On This!!

You have my love.
Love that is so hard to explain.
Love like a dragon that cannot be slain.

Its head held high,
As it goes gliding on.
Fear in the people until it is gone.

Love can do so much harm,
To one little heart.
I know this and still, I just cant pull apart.

I dont want to at least,
My desires unchanged.
Its seems like the stars have just all rearranged.

I just cant leave this love you see,
And you say that I must,
But didnt Romeo and Julliet go against all unjust?

So please answer me this,
Why cant we do the same?
Did you think that this love was just a hard-to-win game?

And these tears that I cry,
Now running down my cheek,
Are listening to your every word as you speak.

Cause you have my heart,
And there is not a thing I can do.
There is nothing stopping our love now but you.

~ Bailey 03-06/09

My Story: Please Do Not Steal As I Worked Really Hard On This!!

( Told From The Point of Veiw of Pub )

Swimming close to my pack, i reached the surface of the water. The wind just a slightly cold breeze upon my face. The aroma surrounding me was that of the most refreshing cleansed air I've ever must've smelled before. For one second in my life of two months, i was confortable. My eyelids grew heavy as i closed my eyes and thuoght to myself, "I belong here." "This is where i fit in." Though it was odd that i liked the air more than anyone else, it still felt as thuogh i was ... normal. Average even. Opening my eyes once again, i noticed that each of the other Zooshes in my pack had disappeared. I plunged into the depths of the masacre i called home. Once more, i felt out of place. Misshapen, the odd one out. This wasn't me and this wasn't where i wanted to be, but still, i swam on. Catching up to my pack.

I would return later tonight. It was best when the moon was out and the sun gone. It was when the water was warmest. So while my brothers and sisters were fast alseep, i ventured by myself to the place i cherished best. As i neared closer to the surface of the water, i could already feel the burst of air i would intake soon. It was delightful. Finally, i felt the whisps of the air as they licked my face. I was here again. I had returned to my place of Solitude. The place belonging to me. Little did i know, i was sharing it with another being. A human being. Under the docks is where i first met her. Rivulets of water dancing accross my face and through them, i could see the beauty of the face i would soon come to love. The girl sat down on a bench and sighed quietly as i watched. She seemed at peace with this world finally too. I feared speaking up. Would she even be able to hear me? I wondered to myself silently. After a few minutes of careful planning and descision making, i made a choice. In my softest voice, i let out a shy, "Hello." I waited for a reply. When none came, i figured she couldn't hear me. Well at least i found out the i wasn't able to speak to humans. Suddenly, the face of the gorgeous woman appeared over the edge of the pier. Her eyes met mine for one second and then, she disappeared. I awatied her return, but it didn't come. I grew tired and depressed. As i started to dive back into the ocean, now upset that my safe haven had become an upsetting place to be, i heard a strange sound in the direction of the beach. The place where the water and land had met. I spun around only to find that it was too late. The water had reached my lungs and caused me to cough. My vision was impaired now and the darkness of the ocean was engulfing me. I was in trouble. Big trouble! I gasped for air and tried to make sense of direction. Which way was up? I swam, but my head grew heavier and heavier. I must've been going the wrong way. "up!" I told myself, but i must've been swimming in cirlces. Where i was giong, i had no clue. All i could do was swim. Swim to my probable certain death. That mistress i had just met. The one with the eyes as bright as the sun's rays themselves, had caused me to dive right into a tragedy. I would never see the world again, or worse ... her.

Maybe i was being overdramatic, but this seemed like the worse feeling i have ever felt. Being only 2 months old now, i never realy felt much pain. I called for my brothers and sisters, but no sound came. I was alone. Isolated once more in this disgrace of a home. I would die here too. That was the last thing i had wanted. "Why me?" I thuoght that question my whole life and never actually thought that i would understand it. Now thuogh, i did. "Why me?" I asked myself as i plunged down even more into the dark depths of the cold waters. "Why me?" I could only think to myself as my body began to tremble and i lost all tendancy to move in my body. As i began slowly dying, my life flashed before my eyes. All ending with a picture of the girl on the pier. She was beautiful, but as a warm hearted, loving friend. I finally let death take me under it's grasp and call me forth. I eventually would end my life here. Not being able to live one more minute of the world i wish i got to know better.

Waking up to the warmth of the sand, i realized i wasn't dead. Had i been dreaming? No, i couldn't have. It was so real. I hurried over to the water's edge as best i could and tried to wet myself before i dried completely. "Whales belong in water!" I reprimanded myself as i inched closer to the water which seemed to be backing away farther and farther. With every muscle of my body scorching, i tried to figure out a way off of this land and into the place i knew as home .... the ocean. That dreadful place far from the air. I only wish there could be some way that i could live up here. Yet, i can't, so i moved along dragging my tail after me. I had to reach this water soon or i was sure to die. Finally, a splash of intense cool made its way onto my face. Refreshing me as it did so. With my desires even more so then they were before, i plunged farther and farther into the depths of the ocean. Diving out to where the docks were where i first laid eyes on the beauty of that girl last night.

Surrounding myself in the silence of the water, i felt reassured that i was safe. What had happened last night? I guess i would never know. A faint splashing sound came from the left of me and i turned around to see what the comotion was. My eyes caught site of arms wavering high above the ocean but nothing else. Larger splashes came from the unrestrained arms and i could tell that somebody was in need of help. As swift and silently as i could, as to not scare the one belonging to the other end of the arms, i climbed my way across the water to be the savor. I would not let what happened to me earler happen to a poor innocent human being. As i swam a bit closer, i could see the face of a woman under the ocean's surface. The ripples of the waves skewed the face so i could not see exactly who it was, but i wasted no time. Even if this wasn't the one i saw on the pier last night, i promised myself i would save this being. So that's what i did. Searching underwater for a way to lift, i placed myself under the legs of the girl gasping for air.

It wasn't my brightest idea, but i had to bring the girl to the shore. The place where no sea creature ever should go if their free will could do something about it. Lucky for me, i actually got out alive this morning. Did i really have the strength to go through it again? Making up my decision fast, I swam to the edge where the sand and water met. I placed the girl i was carrying, now searching for answers as to why she was still alive, on the warm sand and looked at her with bulging eyes.

With one large sigh, my eyes shut tightly. It wasn't her. It wasn't the girl i so longed to meet. It wasn't the girl from the pier. People started rushing over now. Being lighter out, they could actually make out that i was a beached whale. They realized that something was wrong and that i shouldn't be where i was. I knew that and still i came back. People crowded around. One man dressed in red shorts grabbed the girl struggling for answers and took her aside. Voices of a seperate language started talking. Were they all different languages or was it all just one? I had no clue, yet it was fascinating. I listened carefully as my skin began to burn once more such as it had done earlier that morning from the sun. Slowly, but cautiously, i made my way into the ocean once more and let the current drift me away.

Home is where i went. Home to my mother and siblings. Home to my pack and i rested, not only my eyes, but my thoughts there. The swim not long ago had wore me out and as i lay wondering if i'd ever see the one girl i so badly wanted to meet, i felt my eyes become heavy and i fell asleep.

A dream came to me. Of course, the dream contained the girl from the dock. It showed blurred pictures of her as if it were taunting me. Then, the visions started moving. I watched as the focus became more sharp and i could see the girl's face more clearer. With bulging eyes now, i was amazed and shocked that i was seeing what i was. The girl stepped off the pier and strolled over to a close by building. Creaking sounded as the door was opened and the woman stepped inside. I didn't follow her. The dream just stopped and seemed to be waiting for her return. When she finally stepped foot back outside, the girl wasn't dressed the same. She had only a bathing suit on and her hair was put up in a bun. The sun shone on her hair still like a golden sheet as it went down over the water. It was soon to become dark and i could see that the girl was waiting for this time. I watched once again as she strutted onto the pier and let her body lean on the side of the railing. 'Was she waiting for me?' was the thought running through my mind now. 'Did this woman want to see me like i wanted to see her?' More questions arose in my mind as i began to stir. I knew i was waking up.

Opening my eyes to the surrounding of water, i bolted to the top of the water. I had to see if my dream was really a dream. When i finally reached the surface and the air touched my face, i looked at the pier. I could see no girl or anybody for that matter. With a sad expression, i admitted to myself that i had been let down too many times. No more would i go searching for this girl. And with that, i turned to swim underwater.

Unfortunately, my pack of siblings were heading my way. My brothers and sisters crowded me as i joined them on our daily journey to the surface of the water. shouts of joy sounded as we engulfed ourselves in the air. Glancing one more time at the pier, my heart stopped. There was a figure and she was a girl. Her hair shone like a golden sheet as the girl from my dreams hair had. Sneaking past my pack, i hurried over to the docks. When i finally realized the person i was looking at, i was astounded. Even louder than ever, i called out to her "Hey! Over here!" I knew she couldn't understand me, but i knew she heard me when she looked in my direction and her mouth had dropped. Without hesitation, the girl dropped her stuff she was carrying on the deck where she stood and rushed over the end of the docks. At the end of the pier, she dived into the water, her body making a curved u as is hit the dark water. I glided over there to meet her. Happy that she really was waiting for me. That my dreams were true. She did want to see me.

As i inched closer to her, and her to me, i thought that i would start crying tears of joy, but i didn't of course. Being so happy that i had made a new friend, i greeted the girl with a flip. But that wasn't the weird part. The weird part was that i understood what she was saying. Unlike all of the other humans, i could actually hear words come out of my new friend's mouth. "Hi." she said, "My name's Clarissa." i grinned and replyed "My name's Pub." She laughed a bit "I like the name Pub." We swam a bit through the water until the moon shone. "I better get going, you should get home too!" Sadness crept upon me as i waved and said "Good Bye Rissa." I did as i was told and swam back home. No trouble along the way.

The ocean, still as cold as ever, made me feel alone. I wanted so bad to be with Clarissa again. I was so anxious to see her that i swam up tot he beach to try to catch her in time before she left. I had no idea what i was thinking. Thrice i've been to the beach now and i was lucky enough to have survived the first too. I was basically defying life. As i landed on the beach with a thud, i noticed that it was too late now. Rissa was already gone. I tried swiftly to move the position of my body, but i became uncontrollably hard to do. I couldn't move my body at all. I had faced death once and i knew that i was nearing my second encounter. As i tried with all my strength to get back to the water, my power waned. Suddenly, i became very drowzy and the darkness became more noticeable. This couldn't be it. Not again. I searched for a way out. When none came, i shut my eyes tightly. '"at least i got to make a new friend" i whispered to myself. Suddenly, i felt a difference in the air temperature. It became colder. Such as cold as the ocean itself. This shouldn't have been. I reopened my eyes to total pitch darkness. All except one figure. A figure wrapped in the night. Of black cloth and was holding a long sharp blade in his hands. In fact, it wasn't a he, it was a she. It was Clarissa's face in the Grim Reaper's hood. I really was facing death.

Honestly, death isn't as scary when the one you love is the keeper of your life. Instead of being frightened, i was attentative as the frigid voice spoke. It wasn't Clarissa's at all. Rissa's voice was more home welcoming. No, this voice sounded like what it stood for: death. "This isn't your time." it sounded. "Why do you keep threatening your life?" it asked me and without time for answer, said, "Don't do this for your friend. She will come back tomorrow at sunset once more and bring with her a gift. It is then that you can decide your fate. But for now, go home." Those last words sounded as if Clarissa had spoken them and that made me happy finally. I let my eyes close and drifted off into a deep slumber once more.

When i awoke, i was at home and happy to be there. I couldn't wait for sunset, but was completely confused at that the Grim Rissa had meant. A gift? weren't presents good? So why then would i have to chose my fate? And how? So many questions i needed answers too, but i would have to wait until sunset. So i did. And to pass the time, i ventured to the water's surface and played around with the air. Finally, after much waiting, the sun began to dwindle away into the water. I awaited the return of my dear friend. When she finally came, the first thing i noticed was the package in her hand. The Grim Rissa was right. Clarissa came baring a gift. What it was, i would soon find out.

As she approached me after jumping in the water, she held her hands out in greeting. One carried the package. I eyed it skeptically, but still produced a hug to give to my friend. With a look of worry on my face and a look of glee on hers, Rissa handed me the package. I pretended to be greatful and open it slowly, but i couldn't help but want to open it at that very second. Slowly, the cover came off and i could see a shimmer of purple and orange. It was a costume no doubt, but which one, i did not know. I lifted it out of the box as Clarissa's expression grew. I was fascinated by the stitching on this costume and tried it on for size. Suddenly, i was lifted up. Out of the water and into the air. I dug for the water and wondered why Rissa was laughing. As i tried to breathe in water, for i knew i couldn't be in air too long, i found that i could breathe easy. As easy as in water. After minutes of wondering what was going on, i realized that i was wearing a balloon costume. "You can live in air now, silly." My pal chuckled. "I want you ... to live with me." Then i knew what i had to do. This was my decision. I had to choose my fate now. BUt i didn't even need to think twice before saying my answer.

I knew when each day my brothers and sisters surfaced, I knew where my mother lived. I could visit them any time i wanted. So i knew my answer had to be yes. I ran off to tell my pack and they were all surprised as i was when they saw me. After letting them all try out the costume, i went home with my new best friend Clarissa.

* The End *

~Bailey (finished 06-02/09)

Irradiant's Learnies!
15 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
28th Mar 2009 05:33

Yuni Teacher Book
Yakubi Book
Wizard's Books
Witch Tales
Wind Spell Book
Water Spell Book
Voodoo Book
Viotto Book
Valentine Book
Ushunda Book
Undying Tombola Book
Undying Book
Under the Sea Book
Trunx Book
Trash Book
Tombola Book
The Golden Links Book
The Fates Scissor Book
The Broken Wand
Tarquin Book
Sushi Trouble Book
Surviving Madness Book
Successful Trading Book
Steam Spell Book
Speiros Spiral Book
Snowmans Halloween Book
Snowman Book
Snowball Book
Slater Park Book
Skater Book
Sindi Book
Simerian History Vol 1
Shadow Spell Book
Secrets of Simeria Book
Sad Snookle Book
Royal Book
Rotten Book
Rofling Book
Rocket Book
Reese Book
Recycled Book
Pot of Gold Book
Pixie Book
Pirate Cave Book
Photo Album
Old Candy Tree Book
Newth Book
Murfin Book
Mummy Book
Love Spell Book
Lost Ruins Book
Living in Puchala Book
Lightning Spell Book
Lightning Book
Light Fairy Book
Leido Book
Knutt Book
Jessup Book
Jenoan Tales
Ice Spell Book
Ice Fairy Book
Ice Book
Huthiq Book
Holiday Decorating Guide
Hero Zero Book
Haunted Festival Book
Halloween Clothing Guide
Halloween Book
Guide to Magic
Guide to Candy Book
Grint Book
Green Waters Book
Gothic Photo Album
Glittering Goods Book
Gigantic Fairy Book
Ghost Tales Book
Gardening Book
Frozen Book
Fried Eggs Book
Flying with Walee Book
Flaming Book
Fire Spell Book
Festival Pop Up Book
Festival Book
Feliz Book
Fasoro Book
Exchange Rates Book
Equilor Book
Enpiah Law Book
Energy Spell Book
Encyclopedia Z
Encyclopedia Y
Encyclopedia X
Encyclopedia W
Encyclopedia V
Encyclopedia U
Encyclopedia T
Encyclopedia S
Encyclopedia R
Encyclopedia Q
Encyclopedia P
Encyclopedia O
Encyclopedia N
Encyclopedia M
Encyclopedia L
Encyclopedia K
Encyclopedia J
Encyclopedia I
Encyclopedia H
Encyclopedia G
Encyclopedia F
Encyclopedia E
Encyclopedia D
Encyclopedia C
Encyclopedia B
Encyclopedia A
Eleka Tombola Book
Eleka Era Book
Egg Recipe Book
Easter Eggs Book
Easter Egg Book
Earth Spell Book
Dukka Goals Book
Dukka Caves Book
Doyle Book
Digital Spell Book
Digital Book
Dark Spell Book
Cooking Turkey Guide
Collecting Stars
Collecting Flowers
Clown History Book
Climbing Mt Dukka Book
Christmas Ribbons Book
Christmas Cook Book
Chinese New Year Book
Chibs Book
Canning Book
Candyland Book
Candy Mysteries Book
Burnt Book
Book of Time
Book of Secrets
Book of Mystery
Book of Loyalty
Book of Death
Book of Fate
Bone Book
Blood Stained Book
Blitzen Book
Binded Purple Book
Being a Punk Book
Become a Healer
Balloon Collecting Guide
Baking Pumpkins Book
Bakery Tips Book
Azul Day Off Book
Addow Book
A-Z of Undying Woods
3rd Birthday Book
1000 Leagues Up Book

Zetzilla Attacks
Year of the Rat
Xoi in Black
Valentines Day
Undying Tombola
Undying Graveyard
Undying Festival
Underwater Treasure
Under the Sea
Trick or Treat
Theres Something about Doyles
The Musical Phanty
The Mummy
The Little Christmas Tree
The Ice Fairy
The History of Candyland
The Egg
Tarquin DVD
Snookle Electric Storm
Slater Park Adventure
Sherlock Huthiq
Secret Door Mystery
Romance in Marada
Red Planet
Pumpkin Jack
Over the Rainbow
Oopsy Daisy
Newth Love
Light Siders
Learn to Talk
Last Battle
King Feliz
Inside Elekas Prison
Huthiq Invasion
How to be Loyal
How to Sword Fight
Home School Musical
History of Queen Eleka
Haunted Festival
Graveyard Horror
Gonk Racing
Gift Wrapped DVD
Ghost Slayer
Flying Eggs
Fast Food Dilemna
Elekas Tombola
Earth Fairy
DNA Messages
Clown Attack
Candy Treats
Can Collecting
Biala is Melting
Behind the Scenes of Lowlyhood
Bat Attack
About a Zetlian
A Snowman Halloween
101 Azuls

Zoink Sing Along
Ziranek Electro Music
Xoi Sing Along
Wanted by Wailing Walees
Wailing Walees LIVE
Wailing Walees Debut Album
Undying Tunes
Underwater CD
Ugly Dance
Trick or Treating Tunes
Tombola Tunes
The Glowing Roflings in Concert
The Glowing Roflings Album
Tantua Tango
Soul Songs
Skater Music
School Bus Songs
Sand Book
Rocket Sounds
Recycled CD
Rainbow Tunes
Rainbow Chatters
Punk Music
Poisonous Tunes
Pixie Music
Party Time by Disco Murfins
Osafo Sing Along
Opera Music
Numbers Ones by Blue Addows
Mummy Dance
Moonlight Kidlets
Marching Band
Maradan Orchestra
Lush Fountain Tinklings
Lush Fountain New Age
Lowlyhood Classics
Love Music
Light Side Music
Light Fairy Sonnets
Leido Trio Vol 2
Leido Trio Vol 1
Krazee by Krazy Knutts
Knutt World by Krazy Knutts
Knutt House Music
Ice Divas
I love Disco by Disco Murfins
Huthiq Hits by Huffix
Huffix Live by Huffix
House Cleaning Tunes
Hospital Music
Halloween Snowman Music
Halloween 2007
Graveyard Dirges
Funky Egg Hits
Funeral Fables
Folk Tunes from Baspinar Castle
Festival Music
Fasoro Flamenco
Exploring Music
Enpiah Space Music
Eleka Tombola
Electro Music
Disco Fever by Disco Murfins
Dakota Stepping
Daisy Dance Music
Classical Hits by Leido Trio
Chapter 2 by The Glowing Roflings
Candy Music
Book of Swords
Blue Sisters Volume 2
Blue Sisters Volume 1
Blue Addows Vol 2
Blue Addows Vol 1
Bedtime Stories
Bat Screeching
Balloon Party

Xylophone Grade 10
Whistle Grade 10
Violin Grade 10
Tuba Grade 10
Trumpet Grade 10
Trombone Grade 1
Triangle Grade 10
Tambourine Grade 10
Saxophone Grade 10
Recorder Grade 10
Piccolo Grade 10
Piano Grade 1
Panflute Grade 10
Ocarina Grade 1
Midi Grade 10
Maracas Grade 10
Mandolin Grade 10
Lute Grade 10
Horn Grade 10
Harp Grade 10
Guitar Grade 10
French Horn Grade 10
Flute Grade 10
Electric Guitar Grade 10
Drum Grade 10
Cymbals Grade 10
Claves Grade 10
Clarinet Grade 10
Cello Grade 10
Castanets Grade 10
Bongos Grade 10
Bell Grade 10
Banjo Grade 1
Bagpipe Grade 10

Total Books: 20,026,734
Total DVD???s: 14,248,016
Total Cd???s: 4,361,450
Total Instruments: 6,792,590

Total Learnies= 50,427,790

Best Offer To Beat:
- a statted funky sindi
- a statted gothic sindi
- a recycled viotto
- an eleka viotto
- a cc sindi

Or Other Offer:
- a 100+ statted angel quell
- a 90+ statted doyle

Just me thinking twice about those offer has lead me to believe that Irradiant means to much to me right now to trade.

  1. Sign Here On My Petition.
    20th Aug 2010 14:32
    13 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
  2. If
    20th Apr 2009 14:11
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  3. You
    20th Apr 2009 14:11
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  4. Miss
    20th Apr 2009 14:10
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  5. Me,
    20th Apr 2009 14:10
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  6. Post
    20th Apr 2009 14:10
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  7. [Here]
    20th Apr 2009 14:09
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  8. Blog #218482
    20th Apr 2009 14:05
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  9. My Writes!!
    10th Apr 2009 20:40
    15 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. Irradiant's Learnies!
    28th Mar 2009 05:33
    15 years, 2 months & 27 days ago