A poem made just for me.
6 years, 3 months & 14 days ago

31st Oct 2018 00:48
NOT you, ME.
It was sent to me by Teanae. You have the potential of a soul giver. I will see if your talents have improved next year and will take your soul, like it or not

Twas the night of Maraween
And all through the streets
Treaters were knocking on doors for sweets.
The costumes and colours were a wonderful sight
But soon the Maradans were in for a fright.
Evil had come to visit their town
Forces of darkness from miles around.
Beelzebub grinned in devilish delight.
As he sent his minions into the night.
A plan was devised, their minds he will bend.
Tonight Maraween will tragically end.
No Pumpkins, no sweets. No candy to eat.
Tears of his victims will be the only treat.
No Plushies for Collections, No Costumes to wear.
The fear of the night is Beelz's to share.
Most pets ran, the rest took flight.
Beelzebub came, in his terrible might.
One more POG drop, the last to be made.
Before Beelz and his terror will finally fade.
To descend back to hell, to bask in his Glory.
With dreams of next year, being even more gory.
As the sun rises, so ends his plight.
Happy Maraween to all!
And to all a Goodnight!