Pets thrown out for Maraween 2018

6 years & 4 months ago
13th Oct 2018 15:36Soulz the Ghost Willa is first to go. Good Riddence!
Ghosting the Midnight Chibs. Have a nice death now.
Ghoulishness the Goblin Sindi - Good luck with that one!!
Mummycakes the Mummy Phanty - So gross.
Mutants the Mutant Decadal - I will miss this one, a tad.
Demons the Devil Willa - Feisty little fella...
Ili the Halloween Kidlet
Spoopie the Eleka Addow
Beelzebubb the Devil Murfin - those 3 went to new victims

MrsBeelzebub the Darkfairy Yuni
Bubzer the Devil Limax
Bubzie the Devil Yuni - The family has been split up. Don't send a postcard!
Boogieman the Halloween Daisy - He tried to hard to impress me. Won't ever happen.