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Undying Woods
When a pet dies they are taken to Undying Woods. Many of these are buried here. This graveyard is guarded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by the grave keeper. Grave Robbing is a problem here. Every 3 hours when he sleeps he leaves the whole graveyard unguarded. Then you have the chance to rob one of these graves to try and find a rare bone or MP. If he wakes up and you get caught, one of your pets will go to Prison.

You can go Grave Robbing for FREE once every 3 hours when he sleeps. Here is the Prize List.
Grave Robbing

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The Grave Keeper is awake

Come back in 1 hour and 25 minutes

If you add the Arcade Giftbox to your collection, you will earn double score points with every flash game, free game and points to play game that you play. Spend your score points in the games shop and be rewarded by the Arcade Fairy.

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect