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  1. Writing contest
    27th Sep 2010 15:41
    13 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
  2. Giving away pets!! =O
    18th Aug 2009 19:40
    14 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  3. Staff Notifications
    13th Apr 2008 08:21
    16 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
  4. NOTE: On pets
    29th Jan 2008 06:48
    16 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
Giving away pets!! =O
14 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
18th Aug 2009 19:40

First, NO BEGGING or MARAMAILING me about the pets. Ty.

Second, I am giving away Lixna and Isabell, no others.

How to apply:

State the wanted pet's name clearly at the top of your post.
Construct an honest paragraph or two about why you think you should have the pet, etc, in clear English. If you want you can make a graphic or a poem, though I can't guarantee brownie points. (;

EDIT;; When you apply, write "Potmonk" at the bottom so I know you read this... hehe.

I'll be deciding on who to give the pets to tomorrow at 12pm central time. If you win, you will be maramailed, so please don't maramail me.

So... yep. Good luck. :]


i think i should get her because i have always wanted a snookle.ilove love love love love snookles i take care of my pets and isabell would be welcome in to are family.

114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 20:28

Hi, me Coolio175 am apping for your pretty little pink mordo. First of all I think mordos are very cute. I want to own your Lixna because I love her baby stats and I'm trying to get more le pets. I've apped for many le pets but never got one. D-:
I'm really hoping I'll get considered. I can't promise I wont trade her but I would never give her away.
Listing all the general apping info:
I would love her for the whole time I owned her.
I would check on her everyday, and make sure she is always happy.
I would never portal her or give her away.
Okay, I'm done with that. If you gave me Lixna it would boost my self-esteem with the apping.xP This little honey would help me with my collection of les(currently in work). And I know that other people are writing really long apps, making their font way bigger and pressing enter with every sentence but I probably have a measly paragraph, but my app is all real stuff. No big fonts and no excessive enter pressing but throughout it all please consider me Coolio175. Thanks. =)
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 20:16
Oops! Sorry forgot to post Potmonk. xD
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 20:03

So...whats up?Imj Alyssa.I like long walks on the beach and romantic drives.Oh...crap...this isnt eHarmony? Im embarrased now >.< Oh looky,a pet giveaway.Dandy!!*looks at Isabell and cries*OMG she is fantastic

A little convict I should love to call me own!And why? OH Ill tell ya!

Um..well.I dont really need her.I have my own will never fails.So,I want to have Isabell to help claim my dream pet.Yes,you heard me,I would probably trade her.That doesnt help my chances does it?But its true!I want a lati more than anything!And having a snookle could really help my chances!

Im not making this too long...which also wont help my chances XD.Good luck picking and I hope you find some good owners
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 20:03

Well, I haven't Done a Pet give away in a really Long time So here Goes.

I would like to apply for Isabell, I am a sucker for Prison snookles, But that is not the reason i am applying for her. You see My little Brother has been having a hard time on here with trading pets and all, and i thought it was high tide he has a little boost ya know?

I'm not going to try and apply for the mordo because Honestly, I know everyone and there mothers will xD (Sorry for the sarcasm)

Anyways, Of course yes if i am selcted the pet will not go to me but my brother. I didn't tell him about this, because if i won i kinda wanted to surpirse him. As you can see i am all set with Pets and i do help him out as much as i can, but you know theres only so much you can give someone ya know? =D

Well, I'm not gonna give you crap about blah blah no trade, Blah blah I will love him forever and ever and Yadddaa *boring* I'm just being honest and if you chose me hey that's great, But i don't want to be chosen because i made up the biggest Lie.

Whelp, It is very kind of You to make this pet Give away, I hope someone Lucky Gets Her.

Best wishes, Spongey.
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 20:03
Ello My Name Ish Sabrina And i am applying for your Beatuful Pink Mordo Lixna.I Have been Playing Marapets for about a Year now and i have been trying to save up for A Mordo Army.And i Love Pink Mordo's I Adore Lixna and My Favrite Color is Pink and she is so so Cute and i adore her so much.I Deserve Lixna Because i am Honest,Hard working,Loyal,and Smart Person.Also Because if i win i will be so happy cause it will be the First Givaway that i win and that will mean so much to me and what i will do with the Mordo is to costume her and keep her as my Mordo Army.So thanks so so much for this oppertunity i hope Lixna Finds a Great,Loving Home that appreciate's Lixna Thanks so much for reading and i hope you consider me.
Potmonk!!!!!! <3
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 19:54
Im amanda, and I just want to say it's nice of you to give your les.
Anyway, I think I deserve Lixna because I really want to give it to my friend. He LOVES purple mordos! I'm not good with apps, so yea, short and sweet is my way.
Good luck with choosing!
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 19:51
Application for Lixna-
Aah.. darn when I was 1/2 way done my app I don't know what I clicked but it closed my page so now i'm starting over. >.<

Before I get into more important details i'll start with a little introduction about myself. My name is Elizabeth as mentioned on my username. I have been playing mara for quite some times this year will be my 4th year to be exact. I don't really consider myself an experienced member as I don't really do most of the things that are provided on mara. The only thing I do here is pet trading which I will get into more in my next paragraph so stay tune. =]

As mention above I am a pet trader so as a pet trader's goal it is to become a successful pet trader of course. So to do that I will need better pets. If I do win Lixna will surely help me reach my goal but to reach my goal I would probabbly need to trade her at some point so I can't promise I won't trade her to be honest.

I'm not really going to get to the whole spoiling pet talk since most people are not intrested in it so i'll skip through that. This is all I can really think of right now so I really hope I get considered to be her new owner. =]


"Potmonk xD"
114 years, 9 months & 15 days ago 18th Aug 2009 19:48
  1. Writing contest
    27th Sep 2010 15:41
    13 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
  2. Giving away pets!! =O
    18th Aug 2009 19:40
    14 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  3. Staff Notifications
    13th Apr 2008 08:21
    16 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
  4. NOTE: On pets
    29th Jan 2008 06:48
    16 years, 4 months & 3 days ago