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  1. Giveaway :O
    19th Aug 2009 07:36
    14 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  2. Ice Fairy Mordo- Almost Done!
    23rd Jul 2009 10:23
    14 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  3. Ice Fairy Mordo Giveaway.
    22nd Jul 2009 08:47
    14 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
  4. Test your strength.
    16th Jul 2009 10:24
    14 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  5. 3 chibs
    14th Jul 2009 15:54
    14 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
Giveaway :O
14 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
19th Aug 2009 07:36

Post here if you want something

Oh, and
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:34
ts, especially Stewie, because He is the smexiest cat alive. =D

So, hope you don't quit.
But if you do, good luck in your Mara free life!

(I posted 2 times cause my keyboard went crazy and I couldn't type anything. =l)
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:32
I'm Emilie.
Personally, I don't think you should quit.
Just take a long break, and when you come back, there will be lots of cool new stuff and Mara won't seem so old anymore.

I used to think like, 'Oh. Only 200 players online.Nobody likes my pets.' So I gave away my LEs and quit. But then I came back and was like, 'Hey, Mara isn't so bad.' =)

So yeah.

I would really like any of your LE pe
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:30

I will do everything my fibers of my human body will allow to get Cor. I am through the statting stage, where I love stats. I. Love. Stats.

Eyan is 13 statted.
Spiritfull is 40 statted.
& Airaith is at the beginning of being statted.

I would consider it the highest honor in the world to own a 100 statted pet, and Cor is so close. In addition to having almost 100 stats, Cor's NAME. Cor. Three letters. Extremely rare! I do have a 3 lettered pet, Pwi, and I'm also minorly statting her, although I don't really have the urge to. I've spent over 3 mill on crystals these past couple of weeks.

I know Cor's value, too, and yet Cor's sentimental value is ten times that. I don't think I'd have the heart to trade a 3 letter, high statted, high cossied LE. There's just nothing out there worth stats to me.

I know there are many other people that are probably applying for Cor, and I hope that I can in some way stand out to you. I know it is difficult to find people who know the value of the pet, including names (like the wonderful Stewie) and are willing to trade. Did you know I got offered a Zoosh for my 40 statted Angel Quell?
A badly named Zoosh.
The Pets forum is doomed.

Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck with your new life, and I can only hope I stand a chance at winning the amazing Cor. Means so much already to have a chance at Cor!

Thank you,
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:30
Hey There first let me introduce myself..My name is leish..

Now leave those and lets get to the topic.I would love to apply for Stewie..I always wanted a chibs and my favourite among them is an angel chibs..You may think that i am lying,but i dont blame you as some of the people in here completely lies...So it is your choice..Just say it like If i ever get stewie she will never ever be for trade and Will be statted up and an learnied and people should be amazed on how Stewie has been trained..So sad to hear that you are quitting..Well i wish you all the best in he real life..

And thanks for taking time to read my application..And really soory to hear that you are quitting..

Yours lovingly
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:28
Hello there, I'm Roza. I am here to apply for your most incredible Angel Chibs, Stewie.

I personally believe that I would be an awesome owner for Stewie because I put a lot effort into caring for my pets, whether they're LE or Non, b/n or incredibly w/n. Every one of them took work and love, and I'm extremely proud of all of my mara-achievements. Especially my pets - they're my crowning glory and I love them so much. You may think me pathetic, but I don't care whether they're pixels or not, they're all demonstrations of hardwork and devotion, and that means a lot to me.

I'm in love with Chibs, and I'm trying to get one like crazy right now. (An attempt that is failing epically). An angel Chibs is my ultimate DP, but I've never really set it as a goal, for a fear I'll just dissapoint myself. But I'm taking this chance and running with it, because it's an amazing opportunity, and for that alone I thank you. Stewie would be in the best possible hands if he were mine, and he'd be welcomed into my mara-family with utter happiness. I understand if you do not pick me, as there are many other deserving people out there. I know I may not fit the bill in every way, but I know I'm a responisble, sensible and caring person, and that I will provide the ultimate home for your darling little angel, Stewie.
<3 Best of luck, from Roza.

BTW; here's a poem for Stewie.

Just like an angel from heaven above,
Your astounding beauty fills me with love.
You're glory, it sparkles, such a majestic thing,
You soar through the air using gorgeous wings.

At the sight of you I stumble,
My heart skips a beat,
For owning you,
Would be the very best treat.

I love you, dear Stewie,
And I want you to know,
If I had you as my own,
I'd never let our love go!
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:25
I would be extremely happy if I was lucky enough to win gorgeous Stewie <3
But I would probably give Stewie to a friend,
no wait,
screw that!
I WILL give Stewie to a friend
I would give him to Mimisgirl, she has gave me a dark lati before and I love her to bits so I would really appreciate it if you could send him to her
Goodluck to all and I really hope you consider mimi
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:24
Hi, I'm Elite.
I am very sad to see so many people quitting. I too am confused with the new prices, and i think Stewie is worth much more than 18-20M. Great name, popular speices, etc. =] So now I'll show you why I WILL be the new owner of him.

I have wanted a Chibs for about 3 years, if I finally had a Chibs, that would be amazing. Stewie is a wonderful name, and amazingly common, another reason why I want him. His costume is magnificent, Angel, high class, rare. I would just go buy the costume and potion, but I'm trying to get a Rofling, so I can't.

I probably will stat Stwie and won't trade him because he is my DP. I can give him back to you if you decide to come back. =) I might school and learnie him as well.

Well, thanks for the chance and gl choosing,

Elite. =)

If you don't mind, I would like some MP towards temple, if I don't win Stweie that is. I would also like either Food or one of your other LE's too if I don't win Stweie.

Thanks for listening, hope you have a great time in the real world.
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:15
I would love to own Stewie, as I love Family Guy, and Angel pets, and Chibs are in such high demand. I would then proceed to give my Ercuw to someone as I cannot stand to have more than six pets.

I understand you would like to give to someone less fortunate, but I worked hard for my pets, and I don't like being pushed down on the list of maybe's because of that. I spent months and millions of MP to get where I am now and I am very proud of it. :] Thank you for your time!

P.S., is there any specific guidelines to apply? Because I will do everything in my power to get Stewie.
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:14
I'd love to own Cor or Food or anything

Anyway goodluck in the real world
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 12th Feb 2010 21:11
  1. Giveaway :O
    19th Aug 2009 07:36
    14 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  2. Ice Fairy Mordo- Almost Done!
    23rd Jul 2009 10:23
    14 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  3. Ice Fairy Mordo Giveaway.
    22nd Jul 2009 08:47
    14 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
  4. Test your strength.
    16th Jul 2009 10:24
    14 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  5. 3 chibs
    14th Jul 2009 15:54
    14 years, 10 months & 28 days ago