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  1. just rambling i guess
    26th Apr 2015 07:41
    9 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  2. an endless tale
    22nd Oct 2014 07:17
    9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  3. i've now decided
    21st Jul 2014 05:14
    9 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  4. acorns
    4th Jul 2014 05:28
    9 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  5. inanimate people
    14th Nov 2011 18:32
    12 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  6. inanimate people / contours
    30th Oct 2011 18:29
    12 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
  7. just yesterday
    24th Oct 2011 20:56
    12 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
  8. together they know
    27th Sep 2011 17:08
    12 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  9. animal rescue
    8th Sep 2011 19:04
    12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  10. affluence
    8th Sep 2011 18:06
    12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
15 things
15 years, 1 month & 30 days ago
19th Apr 2009 18:13

i real wouldn't wanna be without (not including family, friends or pets cos that goes without saying)

1 - my guitar
2 - black eyeliner
3 - scarves
4 - my ciggies
5 - skanky coffee
6 - my tree
7 - rain
8 - bangles (if i don't jingle i can't find myself when i get lost lol)
9 - manky boots
10 - my shaggy hair (i'd have nowhere to hide)
11 - peanuts
12 - candles
13 - my bottles of 'JD'
14 - my nail file (hey what? i'm a musician i'm allowed lol)
15 - my 'bear' wub.gif

why not list yours? smile.gif

15 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
4th Apr 2009 10:47

why did i choose the username johnnybgoode?

although johnny is not my real name i've been called 'johnny' by all my guys and everyone who knows me for about 20 years now (yes there's a reason but this boy's saying nothing lol) - that taken along with the fact i've been playing guitar for as long as when i first discovered i had fingers and am very rare seen without a guitar slung on my back real just kinda decided it for me i guess - so although i'm an indie boy and not a country boy (although i am often found to be sitting under my tree lol) those are the two main reasons i have the username 'johnnybgoode' as taken from the song lyrics posted below :-)

Johnny B Goode - Chuck Berry

Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens
There stood an old cabin made of earth and wood
Where lived a country boy named Johnny B Goode
Who'd never ever learned to read or write so well
But he could play a guitar just like a ringin' a bell

Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Johnny B Goode!

He used to carry his guitar in a gurny sack
Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track
Old engineers in the train would see him him sittin' in the shade
Strummin' with the rhythm that the drivers made
The people passed him by they would stop and say
Oh my but that little country boy could play

Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Johnny B Goode!

His mother told him someday you will be a man
And you will be the leader of a big old band
Many people comin' from miles around
To hear you play your music when the sun goes down
Maybe some day your name will be in lights
Sayin' "Johnny B Goode tonight"

Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Go! Johnny!
Go! Go! Johnny B Goode!


i can't post the link on my blog but if you'd like to check the song out (as if you don't already know it lol) it's easy enough to find on you tube

many thanks for reading - take care yeah - johnny x

let's talk fish
15 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
10th Mar 2009 09:21

talkative fish give quiet fish bad reputations

i know - i've seen it happen! dry.gif

man's best friend
15 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
21st Sep 2008 19:30

a dog sits waiting
in the hot midday sun
too faithful to leave
too frightened to run

he???s been there for days now
with nothing to do
but sit by the road
just waiting for you

he can???t understand
why you left him that day
he thought you were stopping
to take him to play

he???s sure you???ll come back
and that???s why he stays
how long can he suffer?
how many more days?

his legs have grown weak
his throat???s parched and dry
he???s sick now from hunger
he falls with a sigh

he lays down his head
and closes his eyes
i wish you could see
how a waiting dog dies


15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
14th Jul 2008 16:45

Homeless people in our communities are a fact of life, especially in big cities. Many of us don't know how to interpret this situation or what we can do to help. We may vacillate between feeling guilty, as if we are personally responsible, and feeling angry, as if being homeless is entirely on their shoulders. The situation is, of course, far more complex than either scenario. Still, not knowing how to respond, we may fall into the habit of not responding at all. We may look over their heads and not make eye contact, or look down at the ground as we pass, falling into a habit of ignoring them. Each time we do this, we disconnect ourselves from a large portion of the human family, and it doesn't feel right.

Most of us know in our hearts that the homeless and the poor are not so very different from ourselves. They may be the victims of poor planning or an unavoidable crisis. Some of them are mentally ill, some are addicted to drugs or alcohol, and some are choosing to be homeless for reasons we may never fully understand. We can imagine that, given their lives, we would likely have ended up in the same place. This does not mean that we are meant to rescue them as they are on their own learning path, but it does remind us that we can treat them as equals, because that is what they are. Even if we aren't able to offer food, shelter or money, we can offer a blessing as we pass. We can look them in the eye and acknowledge our shared humanness, even if we don't know how to help them. This simple act of kindness and silent or spoken blessings can be helpful to those living on the street.

If you want to help with information, you can learn about the services in your area and share the locations of food banks, shelters, and other resources. As parents, perhaps you would like to plan ahead, talking with your children about how as a family you would like to handle these situations. Whatever you decide to do, you will feel much better when you make a conscious choice not to simply look away.

  1. just rambling i guess
    26th Apr 2015 07:41
    9 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  2. an endless tale
    22nd Oct 2014 07:17
    9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  3. i've now decided
    21st Jul 2014 05:14
    9 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  4. acorns
    4th Jul 2014 05:28
    9 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  5. inanimate people
    14th Nov 2011 18:32
    12 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  6. inanimate people / contours
    30th Oct 2011 18:29
    12 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
  7. just yesterday
    24th Oct 2011 20:56
    12 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
  8. together they know
    27th Sep 2011 17:08
    12 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  9. animal rescue
    8th Sep 2011 19:04
    12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  10. affluence
    8th Sep 2011 18:06
    12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago