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  1. Giving Lamon!
    3rd Oct 2009 20:49
    14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  2. Giving Artelle!
    3rd Oct 2009 20:48
    14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  3. Portalling Imorah
    20th Sep 2009 12:05
    14 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  4. Sign my blog!!
    5th Sep 2009 13:31
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  5. My Dream Pets!!
    5th Sep 2009 13:31
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
Giving Lamon!
14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
3rd Oct 2009 20:49

Hey guys! I am giving away Lamon as you can see, and I would like nice, GOOD apps. No ???I want it!??? I love mara, but it???s taking away from important things, like homework and so on. Plus, I am too old xDD
Please, good apps, as I have said before. I have my connections, so I will know if you have lied in your apps. Please take good care of my baby and here are some rules???
2. No kissing up, ???omg I will love you forever if you give me it!???
3. Know ???it???s??? gender
4. Be nice
5. Make the apps long, but not too long
6. Make them funny! You don???t have too, but it makes you more likely to win
7. Friends get brownie points
8. Put ???Charchar rocks my socks!??? somewhere in your app, so I know you have read far enough.
Okay, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT??????. Okay, APP!

Giving Artelle!
14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
3rd Oct 2009 20:48

Hey guys! I am giving away Artelle as you can see, and I would like nice, GOOD apps. No ???I want it!??? I love mara, but it???s taking away from important things, like homework and so on. Plus, I am too old xDD
Please, good apps, as I have said before. I have my connections, so I will know if you have lied in your apps. Please take good care of my baby and here are some rules???
2. No kissing up, ???omg I will love you forever if you give me it!???
3. Know ???it???s??? gender
4. Be nice
5. Make the apps long, but not too long
6. Make them funny! You don???t have too, but it makes you more likely to win
7. Friends get brownie points
8. Put ???Charchar rocks my socks!??? somewhere in your app, so I know you have read far enough.
Okay, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT??????. Okay, APP!

Portalling Imorah
14 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
20th Sep 2009 12:05

So, I really like fassies and I want Imorah to be one. I love her name a lot. So, I am just going to keep track of what Imorah turns into.
Day 1: Imorah turns from white fasoro into a green zetlian
Day 2: Imorah turns from green zetlian into a yellow zetlian
Day 3: Will portal

Sign my blog!!
14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
5th Sep 2009 13:31

Hey guys, trying to get a lot of signatures!! Sign and write something! Thanks!! xDD

My Dream Pets!!
14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
5th Sep 2009 13:31

Hi guys!! My birthday is on March 21, and it would be very kind of you guys if you would send me a present or just a friendly maramail!
Here are my dream pets! I will check them off as I get them!
Dream LEs:
1. Fairy Chibs
2. Hobo Chibs
3. Icefairy Dakota - nevermind, I got her not ten minutes later!! - nevermind, I hate dakotas now...
4. Hobo Mordo
5. Geek Rusty
6. Anime Quell
7. Cheese Sindi
8. Furry Yuni
9. Valentine arinya
10. Burnt zoink - will possibly get one from a give away!

Dream non LEs:
1. Angel Fasoro
2. Earthfairy Fasoro
3. Fairy Fasoro
4. Gothic Fasoro
5. Icefairy Fasoro
6. Earthfairy Gonk

Oh and you may always always offer on any of my pets! I love offers, but they MUST be fair and w/n, or I will hunt you down and eat you.
Have a nice day!! xDD

Hey guys!! I am editing my dream pets now, because some people posted, and if I deleted everything, it wouldn't make any sense. Whatever. Okay so...
Dream LE pets:
1. Valentine arinya
2. Angel chibs
3. Fairy chibs
4. Hobo chibs
5. Icefairy chibs
6. Fire ercuw
7. Geek ercuw
8. Hobo mordo
9. Lightfairy mordo
10. Anime quell
11. Baby quell
12. Underwater quell
13. Cheese sindi
14. Furry yuni
15. Lightfairy yuni
16. Burnt zoink (really really want one!!wink.gif

Dream non-LE pets:
1. Angel fasoro
2. Earthfairy fasoro
3. Icefairy fasoro
4. Spacefairy fasoro
5. Earthfairy gonk
6. Princess newth

Sorry there are so many, but I can't just choose a few. Thanks for reading this long blog!!!

  1. Giving Lamon!
    3rd Oct 2009 20:49
    14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  2. Giving Artelle!
    3rd Oct 2009 20:48
    14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  3. Portalling Imorah
    20th Sep 2009 12:05
    14 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  4. Sign my blog!!
    5th Sep 2009 13:31
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  5. My Dream Pets!!
    5th Sep 2009 13:31
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago