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  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
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    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
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    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
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    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
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    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
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15 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
2nd Feb 2009 08:05

The blood ran down my arm as I let out a scream. My head throbbed as I chocked. I was here alone no one with me. He was gone because I told him to leave. I was such a stupid girl to have himm leave. The cool blade of the knife slashed my skin once more. The feeling of burning rose higher and higher. I thrashed as he walked to the door. I saw the faded line of another man tall and thin was it Matt? "Matt." I said no one answered. The last thing I saw before the knife plunged into my chest was the other man run to him and him scream no as the pain melted with me.

I pulled up to the parking lot as I saw it was a check point,"Shi.t!" I mummbled as I looked in the backseat and saw Alba fast asleep in her The policeman banged on my window as I rolled it down,"Excuse me miss I'm gonna need you to pull over right there by the green sign and get out of ur vechicle. "You guys are serioulsly doing a car check and check point in the pouring rain. He tipped his hat down,"Yes we are sorry miss." I rolled my window back up and pulled up where the policeman was. He was tall with a large white smile and very blue eyes. I slammed my car door and went to grab out Alba. "Excuse me You can leave her there no need to wake her this won't take long." He rested his hand over mine on the handle,"Thank you." He smiled then and brushed the rain from his face as I handed him my license,"Bentley huh?, cant say i ever met anyone with that name." I smiled,' my mom was born and raised in the south pretty common name there I guess. He smiled, "Kid in the back got a diffrent name to?" I looked over my shoulder to Alba her hair was in two ponytails and she wore her ladybug rainboots that I hated that her grandmother bought her. "I guess you would think so Albany or Alba like the place in Georgia." He nodded," All southern names?" I sighed," Well I am a southern bell." He laughed then," I guess all southern bells yell when they see a check point?" I said nothing for a while then answered," Most do they are just better at hiding it." The rain kept getting in his face and he brushed it away with the palm of his hand and covered his baby blues. "Whats your name if your so intersted in mine?" He brushed away the water again," Alex Parker pretty common I guess." I smiled as he handed me back my ID," Have a safe ride Bentley." I nodded and slide back into the car and headed out. If he was at all the check points I wouldn't mind being pulledf over
113 years, 3 months & 1 day ago 14th Mar 2011 17:25
I shrugged and took in a sharp breathe and pulled out. I got back on the freeway and headed to work. He had flirted with me in my scrubs no one has done that yet. Heck the last one asked me out when i was in my daisy dukes and a cowbody hat, I laughed no wonder i continuly picked the losers. I eased on the brakes and turned left to the sign that read,"Bayou route hospital next exit." I pulled into the parking lot. IT wasn't the largest or large at all hospital, but we had some of the best doctors here. Like me I rank number one out of all the states for obgy and third for Peds. I walked through the slider and into the lobby the interns met me at the door. "Patient Mary Elizabeth Carson, seven years old swallowed a marble.In room 236" I nodded as he handed me the chart. I looked back over my shoulder,"Marson and Dilliant your with me the rest of you work the pit." They all left to do as they were told as I look the elevator along with the interns. I pulled open the door once we were off," Hello I'm doctor Callie Rue so I hear you swallowed a marble."
113 years, 11 months & 27 days ago 19th Jun 2010 11:14
All I could do on the long drive to the hospital was think. I was going to grow old and become one of those women who never had kids and who had never been married. I shook my head as the car dropped into a large pothole and then crashed,"DAMN IT!" I snarled as I got out and looked at the damage. The tire was completly flat. I cursed and slammed my fist angerly against the side and slide down and leaned against the car. "Need a hand?" I looked up a man in board shorts and no shirt stood infront of me,"I have a flat if you can help me with that." He smile dand got out of his small toyota Carolla and looked around my car,"You gotta spare?" I nodded,"Yes, but I have no idea how to put it on." He laughed and grabbed the tire from the back,"I'm John by the way John Calhoun." I smiled and extended my hand,"Callie Rue." He smiled,"Figures that would be your name icy,sexy, and mysterious am I correct?" I laughed yes sir I am all of those." He smiled,"I see we know we are good looking." I looked up into his big baby blues,"No cher I just have heard it so long it must be true. "Trust me it is very true." I tilted my head as he laughed and went under my car and set my new tire on. "Thank you." He nodded then looked me up and down,"Your a nurse." I laughed,"I am a Peds and obgyn doctor." He laughed long and husky,"Well excuse me, So Dr.Rue can I have your number?" I laughed,"Lets wait on that meet me at Bayou route hospital around nine and we'll see." He nodded,"Then its a date until then ms.Rue." With that he got in his car and drove off as I slammed my head against the windsheild I had done it again. Why did god make me so weak to good looking men?
114 years & 24 days ago 21st May 2010 20:45

Callie Rue woke up that morning to the howl of the neighbors blue tick coon hound and the hum of the beatless in the yard. She rolled over and saw the face she had forgotten was there,"Damn it." She whispered rolling slowly back over and wrapping her arm around the headboard. She carefully pulled her body up off the bed and stretched to step over the creeky board. Then as soft as she could tip toed to the bathroom and locked the door. She had to stop doing this, had to stop waking up and finding another man in the bed beside her this had to stop. She knew well enough not to bring then back here the poor things never knew how to leave. She lived back behind Alligator bayou on the little dirt path. She grabbed her scrubs and slide them on and threw her hair in a ponytail. She laughed at herself a doctor the number one peds/obgyn in Lousianna was her doing THIS. She rolled her eyes and snapped her beeper onto her waistband and grabbed a peice of paper,"Don't know your name and don't care. I am leaving for work so get out of my house. Follow the directions on the seprate sheet to get into town sighned Callie." She dropped it by the mans shirt on the ground and retreated outside to her old green jeep. Her black lab licker ran up to her leg,"Make sure he leaves baby girl". The dog as if she understood the comand ran into the house and layed down by the door. She smirked and jumped into her jeep and headed into town for the page she had received. She looked back once more,"Callie Rue you have to stop this." She said to herself as she went up and onto the dirt street.
114 years & 27 days ago 19th May 2010 17:46
114 years, 11 months & 20 days ago 26th Jun 2009 17:12
wow.... speechless

114 years, 11 months & 20 days ago 26th Jun 2009 10:57
Devin sat on the floor next to Connie. He couldn't move her because he just had surgery on his back. Matt saw him attempt it and rushed over,"Devin why don't you watch the kids we really don't want you hurting your back anymore." He slung he shoulders back and walked into the room next door with Katys hand in his. Everyone said they were the perfect couple. Connie had fire red hair and teal eyes while Devin had soft blonde hair and the lightest blue eyes. Connie stood up lim[ing on her left ankle. Matt laughed as picked her up and walked to one of the chairs. He sat her there and put her foot up on another chair giving her an ice pack to hold to it. Matt turned around as blood fell from my leg,"Olive..." I shook my head and smiled,"It really is nothing.." Like he listened,"What the hell is wrong with you Jill are you that stupid!" He boomed his voice echoing through the halls. I pulled myself against him as he sat with me on the floor no one was leaving. Jamie walked into the room hert miles of blonde curls like me forced into a ponytail. She hugged me and whispered,"I heard screaming." Her eyes wide while Devin came in and grabbed her hand. "Your mom is a w/h/o/r/e Jamie." I got up and walked to her and let my hand whip across her face she was stunned as wuth her free hand she pulled off her heel and threw it at my head. If it was war she wated she got it.
114 years, 11 months & 24 days ago 22nd Jun 2009 14:06
I woke up to Vicky holding my head between my legs her hands bracing me up. I shook me head while she let go. "Hey cutie." Her voice called softly. "How bad is it." I mummbled. Her lips trembled,"No one knows how that in tha second she slashed only an inch long s/l/u/t on your back." "Great." I murmmered. Tears filled her eyes while she sobbed,"You and Matt have been in and out of the hosptial this has been horrible." I held him 47 old aunt to me and stroked her hair and rocked back and fourth. She pulled away and saw my teary eyes. I inhaled and turned my head to hear my girls from across the room. "Jamie, Clarie!" I spun them in my arms and cried I had them again in my arms forever now no one would take them away. I held my daughters in my arms. This year was hell to me finding a new love being stalked and still am, being in and out of the hospital horrible cat fights,but I had Matt and my girls and that was all that mattered. My mom draped her arm over me as I thought maybe his mom was the one writting the letters or was it my love with his devilish grin,Ben. Nothing mattered at this moment eventhough I was in the hospital with the word,s/l/u/t carved in my back it didn't matter we would find the person then my life could really start over. I could create a new me and that was all that mattered.
eant to be after the one taht starts with pjs
114 years, 11 months & 30 days ago 16th Jun 2009 07:51
It was midnight while I lie asleep in my bed. My hair stuck to my face from my sweat. I cursed and rolled out of the bed and rubbed my sweaty face. I stood my hand searching through bathroom mirror to find my water bottle. The room shook as a loud crash rumbled the floors. I leaned out my window to see a small silver car smashed into a huge hummer. Matt's car was a silver saturn. I screamed and spiraled down the stairs while his aunt ran out behind me. "Matt!" I screamed while a policemen held me back. "relax hun just relax okay you can not cross this line." I I cursed and fought while he sat me down and hollared,"Benson mind taking care of this young lady, get her some water to she looks like she is gonna pass out." A skinny man with hairs going gray on the sides sat next to me and held something out infront of me. "Are you Olivia?" I nodded while he handed me a letter,"Shh I didn't give it to you." I pulled the letter open and began to read it,"I had a feeling you were picking HIM over me don't let it happen AGAIN Olivia I MEAN IT!" My hands shook while this print was by hand I had seen this writting before. Ben's. I screamed while I ran to my apartment and sat on the bed shaking. He had layed beside me at night. Kissed me when I needed it. Loved me when I was sad or confused. Had me so happy that I found someone. Someone eased through the window,"Hey baby you okay." Ben's soft voice called. I screamed;"Out get Out stalker OUT!" I threw a pillow at him while he just looked confused. "What are you talking about Olive." I threw my hands in the air and screamed,"You have been sending me the letters you ahve been stalking me and YOU hurt Matt!" He just looked at me eyes watery,"What?" His hands were out to hold me. "I thought you loved me?" I cried. "Olivia I love you more than life and I only want what you want. If you don't love me like that thats fine. I would never stalk you or threaten you or Matt." His hands were around me as I screamed,"Help." The police from outside were inside and dragging him away as hr called," I don;t understand?" I just sat and cried could my first love really be my stalker? I hated ny life.
115 years & 4 days ago 10th Jun 2009 19:46
I was let out of the hospital that evening at four. The right side if my face covered in a blotch of red. His aunt was by my side the whole night and the next morning. "Olivia why don't you come home with me and you can call Matt." I nodded we got to her apartment as she handed me the cell phone. I took in a heavy breath and dialed it rang once until he answered,"Olivia I am so sorry." I looked at his aunt who just shook her head,"I need some time to think I need so time away from you for a little while like a month maybe two to decide if I want you around me or my kids." The tears were coming,but I kept my voice steady. "Olive you van't do this please it won't happen again please." I looked at his aunt who whispered,"Hang up." I nodded while when I was hanging up he said,"Olivia I love you please." The phone snapped shut as I crumbled on the floor. HIs aunt helped me to my feet and sat me on the couch,"Better for the long run better for the long run Olivia better for the long run." she kept repeating it while I cried I should have never went to his parents house.
115 years & 21 days ago 24th May 2009 19:31
  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
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    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
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    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  4. recommended
    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
  6. read
    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago