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  1. Dear computer is very stupid
    10th Jul 2009 13:19
    14 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  2. UPDATED:survey thing i tole from hobbit03
    7th Jul 2009 15:21
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  3. So alittle more about me...stolen from mally
    7th Jul 2009 15:19
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  4. Survery thing i stole from hobbit03
    3rd Oct 2008 15:01
    15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
    7th Nov 2007 03:19
    16 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
So alittle more about me...stolen from mally
14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
7th Jul 2009 15:19

So I am writing a little about myself, mostly because I'm bored and its raining.

+You Can call me anything
+I hate beggers, COPIERS and scammers. So don't do it.
+My favorite Marapet is an ercuw.
+My favorite animal is a hedgehog
+I have 3 dogs
+I love the beach and the ocean.
+I love the clouds
+I am a dumb girl who goes to school cuz i have nothing better to do
+I don't like waking up for it.
+I am going to college soon.
+I can sing
+I am not good at singing (at least i dnt think i am)
+My eyes are hazel
+If you want to get on my nerves, simply maramail me saying "i lyk ttly want moonlitmagic" you will be instantaneosly laughed at and ignored
+My marasite used to be awesome.
+I refuse to make it again, it was too much work.
+I love to shop for dresses.
+I dont do sports because i hate them, but i do love my ab rocket
+I am quite a boring person, who loves to talk to people
+I love parties.
+I love art
+I love music.
+My favorite color is sky blue
+My favorite stores are Hottopic,zumiez,pacsun and claires
+I don't have favorite songs, they cycle. I'm into a song one day then another the next.
+October is my favorite month.
+My birthday is May 5th
+Mara is my boredom reliever.
+I LOVE marinara sauce and peppers.
+I put it on pizza and any on pasta.
+I hate spaghetti, id rather prefer pasta.
+Im okay with Mac&Cheese.
+I love raspberries.
+I love to swim.
+My favorite subject is art
+I HATE math, especially algebra.
+I hate physics and science.
+I have an iPod touch 2nd gen,32 gb.
+I only like the clear bears.
+Im not fond of swedish fish and anything gummy.
+I am a fast runner.
+Whenever I go to Starbucks I order a chai frappachino or chocolate banana vivanno
+I don't adjust well to change.
+I am fairly sure I am half psychic.
+I have a good explantation for the above. ^^
+I still watch Nickolodeon.
+I love scary movies.
+My favorite accesories are makeup and rings aha
+I would love to be famous.
+Im vegeterian
+I love house mice
+I laugh at pretty much everything.
+If I have nothing to say I laugh.
+I still have stuffed animals and I think they have feelings. (and come alive at night =D)

  1. Dear computer is very stupid
    10th Jul 2009 13:19
    14 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  2. UPDATED:survey thing i tole from hobbit03
    7th Jul 2009 15:21
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  3. So alittle more about me...stolen from mally
    7th Jul 2009 15:19
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  4. Survery thing i stole from hobbit03
    3rd Oct 2008 15:01
    15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
    7th Nov 2007 03:19
    16 years, 7 months & 9 days ago