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  1. Maraween 2015
    21st Oct 2015 02:53
    8 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
  2. Pets I need to borrow for goals
    30th Sep 2015 21:42
    8 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  3. Undying Festival
    28th Sep 2015 23:03
    8 years & 8 months ago
  4. Current Goals
    13th Jul 2014 17:35
    9 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  5. Mine
    26th Feb 2011 22:20
    13 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  6. Blog #318500
    24th Oct 2010 14:48
    13 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. (edit) old plot
    13th Aug 2010 17:03
    13 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  8. unfinished plots
    12th Aug 2010 16:39
    13 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  9. my rp characters
    16th Aug 2009 15:57
    14 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  10. Dont STEAL
    10th Aug 2009 20:45
    14 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
my rp characters
14 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
16th Aug 2009 15:57

Appearance: A relatively average height of 5"6, Lauren also has long thick brown hair and usually doesn't style it because of how long it usually takes. Coming from Mexican descent she has fairly tan skin and dark brown eyes as well as nicely shaped eyebrows. Never one to really understand or "be good" at fashion she usually just wears jeans and t-shirt.
Personality: She's very outspoken and sure of herself, she can get quite defensive and argumentative if she feels like shes being attacked. Her strong personality has definitely hindered her romantic relationships and she hasn't really ever had a ???real??? boyfriend, mainly just dating here and there. It's not that she is necessarily closed off from others but generally shes quite distrusting and also fearful of relationships and their common heartbreaking outcomes.
Reason for being on the show: Truth be told she's in it for the money more than anything else and doesn't really believe she's going to find "the one"
Other: She's obsessed with tons of tv shows and loves to read as well

Appearance: Works out, but isn't really a fitness nut. Quite handsome and definitely had the girls chasing after him in high school but only had eyes for one girl. Has short brown hair that's usually disheveled and all over the place. Wears typical clothes, doesn't really care much about fashion. Also has nice hazel eyes.
Personality: Overall nice guy, easy to get along with and generally tries to avoid conflict. Never quick to judge and has a pretty open mind. Optimistic but not overly, also careful of other peoples boundaries.
Reason for being on the show: He's been unlucky in love and wants to finally get over his past girlfriend of 3 years, despite the fact that they broke up a year ago
Other: Was previously cheated on and is still hurt by it
Name:Avaline (goes by Ava) Marie Everheart
Race: Human
Rank: Werewolf sympathizer
Likes:Long walks in the forest, reading, having conversations with her brother, combat
Dislikes: She grew up hating vampire and werewolves but has recently gained sympathy for the werewolves because of her brother situation, she also hates liars and those who betray her
Weaknesses:She was never been good at trusting others, hiding her emotions, and she is also willing to do anything for her brother
Fears:Her brothers death, never being loved by family or friends
Personality: She???s very outspoken and likes to voice her opinion on everything even when it???s not wanted or even if it makes her look like a fool. She can also be quite blunt and even though she doesn't mean to, she can come off as quite rude at times but if she realizes she???s hurt someone she will no doubt apologize.
Weapons & Equipment:Like her brother she can use a sword very well
History: Ava's father was against any supernatural creatures and killed them any chance he got so when Ava's brother Erin got bitten she took matters into her own hands and helped him escape, risking her own life and ultimately killing her own father in the process. A few days after her brothers disappearance when she began to become a suspect for her fathers death she fled at the age of 16 to find her brother and has been searching for him ever since.

Name: Erin Everheart
Race: Werewolf
Rank: Delta (third in command)
Likes:Talking to others, making sure the ones he loves are safe
Dislikes:Being a werewolf, having to stay away from his sister
Strengths:Fighting, he was trained to fight with a sword since he was a very young boy
Weaknesses:His sister, he isn't completely used to turning into a wolf
Fears: That his sister Ava will find him one day which could endanger her life, returning to his life back home and facing his family
Personality: He has always been a people person with an optimistic personality and been a kind hearted man often putting his trust into people too easily. After becoming a werewolf he became more detached and distant due to the loss of his family but he never lets his vulnerabilities show and wont even let himself believe them.
Weapons & Equipment: Hes handy with a sword
Occupation: Prior to being bitten he was a knight
History: He was born into a noble family and lived a great life until he went out to hunt on his 19th birthday where he was bitten by a werewolf, prompting his father to lock him up and condemn him to death, his sister managed to free him and soon after he found a pack and has been with them.

Demi-Angel(less angel power), Fallen (more), Demi-Demon (less power) or Risen Demon (more)
Any extra abilitys?
friends or enemys with other side?

Any extra abilitys?
friends or enemys with other side?

Human charries





Name: Eden Marie Emerson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: Fire,DSestruction(Able to blow things up with her mind)
Personality:Shes a rebel and likes to do things her way despite her sisters protests, shes independent and usually gets mixed up with the wrong people in troublesome situations,has a temper

Name: Blaine Arya Emerson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Powers:Nature, Physcic abilities
Personality:A sweet caring person, shes friendly to most of the people she meets, and is quick to make new friends

Name: Aaron Andrews
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers: Morphing (usually into a wolf),
Personality: A sweet and charming person, commonly described as the nicest person you'll ever meet, very thoughtful and understanding, puts his trust into people very easily something that isn???t always the smartest idea
Other: Arianna is his sister she was adopted but he sees her as family along with Alec who was Arianna???s friend in foster care, he???s actually quite strong and loves to play sports something many don???t know about him

Name: Alec Ryan Philips
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Power: Illusions
Alec has light brown hair that isnt too long his green eyes are hard to ignore and he has fairly pale skin.
Personality: Very nice those he???s quite shy and doesn???t open up that easily, Loves to take pictures it???s something that helps him overcome his shyness when he???s taking pictures everything disappears, he???s also very caring when it comes to his friends
Other: He is in foster care which is where he met Arianna unlike Arianna he was never adopted, Interested in photography, Always carries his camera with him, has been best friends with Aaron and Arianna since they were kids

Name: Arianna Eliza Sherwood
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: Lightning (healing), Ninja like abilities (good with weapons) Looks:
Arianna has long brown hair that almost looks black, she rarely ever wears makeup which is probably why shes normally ignored, she has tannish skin and chocolate brown eyes
Personality: She???s very outspoken and likes to voice her opinion on everything even when it???s not wanted she can be quite blunt sometimes and it can often misconstrue her as rude but if she realizes she???s hurt someone shell no doubt apologize, she can easily stand up for herself or for her friends
Other: She was adopted at a young age by Aaron???s parents while in foster care she met Alec and their friendship has remained ever since, has a unique interest in drawing and carries her sketchpad everywhere, birthmark on her right shoulder that looks like a lightning bolt

Haven has short white hair its normally messy considering she never usually bothers with it. She always wears heavy dark makeup and has two piercings. Her eyes are a silver grey that normally catch peoples attention something she tries to avoid. She has pale skin and if you look closely you can tell she's damaged and hurt.
personality:Haven has a hard time trusting anyone and is filled with hatred despite her rudeness and cruelty she is very broken,hurt, and at points fragile
other:When she was young her parents locked her up in the attic and bearly fed her at the age of 15 she managed to escape and lived on the streets for years.

Name: Seth
Age: 17
Gender: male

powers:Light,Ninja like abilities

Wolve characters:
Name: Ali
Age: young adult
Gender: female
Personality: good leader,competetive,protecting,sarcastic,playful
Mate: none
Pups: none

Name: Kira
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Personality: caring,sweet,gentle

Name: Koda
Age: Pup
Gender :Male
Personality:Sweet, troublesome
Mate: none
Pups: none

AgeTongue Outup
Looks: pup&order=9&offset=96#/d3428l0
other:Koda is her brother

Age:Young Adult
Personality:youll see

Name: Dusk
AgeTongue Outup(almost a year)
Personality:mature yet childish,adventerous,good hunter


114 years, 5 months & 25 days ago 5th Dec 2009 16:55
  1. Maraween 2015
    21st Oct 2015 02:53
    8 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
  2. Pets I need to borrow for goals
    30th Sep 2015 21:42
    8 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  3. Undying Festival
    28th Sep 2015 23:03
    8 years & 8 months ago
  4. Current Goals
    13th Jul 2014 17:35
    9 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  5. Mine
    26th Feb 2011 22:20
    13 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  6. Blog #318500
    24th Oct 2010 14:48
    13 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. (edit) old plot
    13th Aug 2010 17:03
    13 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  8. unfinished plots
    12th Aug 2010 16:39
    13 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  9. my rp characters
    16th Aug 2009 15:57
    14 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  10. Dont STEAL
    10th Aug 2009 20:45
    14 years, 9 months & 21 days ago