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  1. Josh Ramsay is soo hot!!!!
    23rd Feb 2011 22:12
    13 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
Josh Ramsay is soo hot!!!!
13 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
23rd Feb 2011 22:12

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg, I love Josh Ramsay!!!!
He is wonderful, beautiful, smart, sexy, funny... IS THERE ANY QUALATIES HE DOESN'T HAVE?!?!?!?!
For those of you who don't know who he is, Josh Ramsay is the singer in the band, Marianas Trench. They are the best band in the world!!
I love him so much, and I love the band too!!
These blogs are now my official spaz environments!

First of all, there are some rumours going on about him that I'd like to put straight.

1. Josh Ramsay is a goth and he is emo

NO! The only time he looks emo or goth is in his music videos! for those of you who didn't know, he doesn't even make the decision of how he is going to look in these vids. His make up artist does! He gets paid to dress like that! If I was him and I got paid to dress up like that I would do it!! so that clears up that, he is not emo or goth.

2. He is gay

*Laughs hysterically* oh bless your heart. First of all he has a girlfriend! But for some of you hat isn't enough, so I have to go into detail. Most people say he's gay because he wears eyeliner, but yet again where do we see him wear the eyeliner? IN HIS MUSIC VIDEOS!!! He doesn't even decide what he looks like in the videos, his makeup artist does!!! And he gets paid to put on eyeliner! If I was a guy and I got paid to wear eyeliner, I would do it!! Another thing, who said wearing eyeliner, makes you gay? Is that some law of the universe or something? It's stupid!! Millions maybe even billions of guys wear cover up every day to hide their acne problems, cover up is a type of makeup. What I find interesting about this is that eyeliner is just another type of makeup and if guys are allowed to wear cover up, why is it so bad that they are wearing eyeliner? Isn't it true that make up enhances your features? If this is true, how come girls are the only ones who are allowed to enhance their features? why can't guys enhance their features as well? Is that illegal or something? And the people who say that he is gay... Is there something wrong with being gay? Because I don't find anything wrong with being gay, do you? If you do, then wow, you're kind of a discriminating jerk then. It's not like gay or lesbian people chose to be that way, it's the way that their brains are wired. It's the way they were made!! It's not their fault! and whoever said that being gay was the wrong way to go? Maybe straight is the wrong way to go, we don't know.

These complaints do not only apply to Josh Ramsay, but to anyone at all.

I apologize if there is anything offending in this blog. I was being showered with insults about the person I put my support behind and I felt that these facts needed to be set straight.

If you have not heard of him look at the links above, also if you just want to see what he looks like check out this link for a picture of him:,r:10,s:37&tx=143&ty=121

Yeah, it's a long link, but it's worth it!

If you would like to comment, please leave a supporting comment, and not one that trashes the blog or the blog's subject. If you do leave a non-supporting comment,I will maramail you and ask you to not to comment like that anymore. If you would like to know more about Josh Ramsay or the band Marianas Trench, I will accept all maramails regarding the subject.

Thank you for listening.

And like I said before, maybe I still agree that make up is for fakes and that it hides features and makes people think that they have features that they don't. Maybe I just said that make up enhances your features because that's what the majority of people think isn't it? So the majority of people will agree with what I said and start thinking what I would like them to think about Josh. That's called being smart in your writing.
And please stop acting like not wearing make up at my age is the wrong choice and that your way (wearing make up) is the only way to go.
113 years, 3 months & 20 days ago 28th Feb 2011 16:41
Cathcing up? Everyone has their choices, Emma. And how do you know that I'm FINALLY catching up? Maybe I've been wearing it for a long time, just not around you. And you would have a spaz, just like you guys did the first time I started wearing a bra.
113 years, 3 months & 20 days ago 28th Feb 2011 16:17
Uh..... we wouldn't have a spaz, we would be happy you're finally....catching up in that area, but that's it.
113 years, 3 months & 20 days ago 28th Feb 2011 15:31
Yeah, I still agree with that.
Or maybe I didn't. Maybe I just said that so you would think that I hate make up, maybe I like make up... Maybe I just don't want to wear it because you guys will have a gant spaz at me and then say I'm finally becoming feminine and run around telling everyone and make a huge deal out of it. Ever thought of that?
Or maybe I was just saying that because it's what the majority of people think about it, so it was best to put it up there.
113 years, 3 months & 23 days ago 25th Feb 2011 13:32
Oh, so you do agree that makeup inhances your features? Last I checked you totally didn't agree with that and said it's for fakes....
113 years, 3 months & 23 days ago 25th Feb 2011 12:42
And maybe you guys should give him a chance Not to put anything out there but you people seem like the kind of people that made me make this blog, always judging things by thier cover, or just judging them by what other people say about them (which is worse).
113 years, 3 months & 24 days ago 24th Feb 2011 18:55

And why do you post things like he is so hot, you will never be with him. Facts are facts, >;/

I know I will never be with him, but I can have dreams can't I? Or am I not allowed dreams? And ur right facts are facts: he is hot.
And um... You're wrong about gordon ramsay, they are not related in any way.

What's so good bout this guy

Watch these vids and listen to the band's music and hopefuly you will see:

Hmmm...neva heard of him and i dont really want to...but thanks for telling me about him.....

Look at the links above, fall in love with thier music and then maybe you will wish you had wanted to know about him.

They're an all Canadian band so maybe that's why you havn't heard of them.
And if you are wondering which one is him in the vids, it's the guy with black hair (there is a bit of blue hair color in his hair as well)
Or just look for the one who's singing.
And in the all to myself video he has a odd hairstyle, ignore this, we was paid to have his hair like that.
If you like the videos look up the behind the scenes of the vids.
113 years, 3 months & 24 days ago 24th Feb 2011 18:39
Hmmm...neva heard of him and i dont really want to...but thanks for telling me about him.....
113 years, 3 months & 25 days ago 24th Feb 2011 10:34
And why do you post things like he is so hot, you will never be with him. Facts are facts, >;/
113 years, 3 months & 25 days ago 24th Feb 2011 06:01
113 years, 3 months & 25 days ago 24th Feb 2011 06:00
  1. Josh Ramsay is soo hot!!!!
    23rd Feb 2011 22:12
    13 years, 3 months & 25 days ago