Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Sindis love digging so always make sure you have a big garden with lots of fresh soil if you choose this pet! Do not let them dig too deeply, though, or they may never come back!
Sindi Day is in 9 months, 19 days and 7 hours on the 1st of November
Sindi are
limited pets meaning that their species is rare and limited. You cannot create a limited edition pet but you can earn them through the game.
You get Sindi from
Account Upgrades.
There is 1 DNA Minipet that can be cloned with this pet.
0.0198% of pets in Marada are Sindi
There are a total of 5,483 Sindi in Marada
Sindi can currently wear 141 different Costumes