Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Vixen are known for their huge antlers which can make them look intimidating. They are actually a very nervous pet and choose to stay hidden in the snow. If you can catch one of these pets you are very lucky indeed.
Vixen Day is in 10 months, 20 days and 6 hours on the 3rd of December
Vixen are
restricted pets meaning that their species is ultra rare and severely limited. Their natural habit in Marada is severely endangered. You cannot create restricted pets but you may be able to earn one. Restricted pets from
Account Upgrades are released less often than limited edition, usually a maximum of once per year.
You get Vixen from
Account Upgrades.
There are 2 DNA Minipets that can be cloned with this pet.
0.0105% of pets in Marada are Vixen
There are a total of 2,924 Vixen in Marada
Vixen can currently wear 124 different Costumes