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  1. Stuti cabooooooty <3
    26th Feb 2012 19:27
    12 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  2. i lav arose
    17th Sep 2011 18:42
    12 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  3. Aashtray.
    5th Dec 2009 09:02
    14 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
Stuti cabooooooty <3
12 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
26th Feb 2012 19:27

hi i love you so much. you are literally like my best friend in the whole world. i can trust you with more things than i can trust 99.69% of the rest of the world. i've practically told you my life story. i remember when you told me to tell you about myself and i went on for like a half an hour. l m a o. and then you told me a secret about yourself BEFORE YOU TOLD RYAN WATTTT. it wasn't a good secret & 'someone' should die for it but uknow. i like that i can trust you with absolutely anything. and you don't judge me. which is not something i'm used to, but i must say, i do love it : )
you always make me feel better when i'm sad. always. you let me vent all the time, which is freaking amazing. you are lit one of the most amazing people i know. you're so sweet to everyone, which isn't exactly the easiest things sometimes, considering the lack of sense most of the world has. you're sososo pretty and funny and fun to talk to. : )))
when i get the chance, it is def on my bucket list to meet you. we could have so much fun omg. we could go shopping and do weird things in public and i would majorly embarrass you by being a facking weirdo. and we could buy you 6 inch heels so you could be taller than me. xoxo
i wonder if all da boys look at you and are like AYY SHAWTYYYY ; ) bc you're short and hot.
when you make topics w my name in the title i'm always like OMGGOFPFLCLOEXPKDMGGGGGGGGG and then i usually click on the wrong topic and i'm like FORK NO GO BACK. and then my app closes and i'm like a psychotic mess for a minute trying to get back to it. ~__~ oh da things i go through for you!!!!
you help me feel better about myself. you help me do things that will be better for me. you give me the confidence to do things that i would never do on my own. you helped me work on my self-esteem and try to not think i'm not the most suckish person in the world. and you helped me realize that i do deserve better than some people were treating me. and i have no idea how i could possibly thank you for that.??
talking to you always makes me happy. you get on and i'm like YESSSSSSSSSSS "hi" c;??
we need to name our babies. we have a multicultural family. let's see, there's an Irish kid, a british kid, an australian kid, a black kid, an indian kid ofc, a white kid i think, an asian kid, and a food baby. ~YOU GET TO TAKE THE NIGHT SHIFT BC I DON'T FUNCTION WELL WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF DA NIGHT~ i call dibs on the day shift, just fyi.......................
lmao i love how you call me 'samantha.' like, nobody else ik really calls me that but ryan sometimes. l o l i think it's cute. i have loads of nicknames for u. sluuuti, fruiti, beauti, stuti cabooti, stuti garbage shooti LOL xoxoxo
you were my first valentine ever : ) DID YOU KNOW THAT. you agreed to be my valentine this year bc nobody else would. even tho you didn't get on, you were still here in spirit!!!!!! in my heart ok!! ehehehehe <3
i can't wait to start paying for my own phone. so i can call you all the time omg. i'd call you at all hours of the day. be prepared. : ) we will have meaningful phone and text conversations about life and other stuff. ;P
i like playing balloono w you. YOURE GETTING SO MUCH BETTER. remember that one kid that me, you and ryan were playing w. he was in like 6th grade and was cussing and we were all like WHAT DOES YOUR MOM LET YOU CUSS? and i showed u a picture of my future husband, alex manzano (da lead singer of boyce avenue), and the kid clicked it and came back and was like 'i liked the link ):' LOL??
i like that you liked boyce avenue too when i showed them to you. omg that's like sifkedisodkc twins ok. and since i'm indian now, we really are twins!!!
mein aapse pyaar karti hoon
omg so i was just thinking about how we were being so mean that one time when we were talking about sending all that really personal stuff about that person. ~devious~??
aaaaaand the first time i ever actually called someone ugly was to you. 'if I was a man, i'd rather date a dog' about you know whooooo. ;p
i love ~gossiping~ with you about people are l o l like when we find someone to be annoying or whatever.??
i wish you would realize how amazing you are. you're perfect. you're so funny, insanely pretty, sososososo sweet, fun to talk to, etc. i like how we can talk about anything without it being all awk and stuff.??
omg remember when i asked you if indians celebrate thanksgiving. and then i took a minute to think about it and was like "OH MY GOD WHY DID I ASK THAT I'M SO STUPID." AND THEN YOU HAD TO GO AND POST IT ON FACEBOOK AND MAKE ME FEEL 69x AS DUMB. people were prob like 'really....... really...............' ok i'm not da brightest fish in da sea w/e!!!??
i was just complaining to you about how awful i felt about something i just did tonight and ofc you made me feel like less of a terrible person. even tho i should feel terrible!! and really sIutty l m a o. having someone as amazing as you as my best friend makes me feel a little better about myself bc if i was /that/ bad, then i couldn't have gotten a perffff best friend like you xoxoxoxo
sometimes i look at ur msn picture and i'm like OMG SHE'S SO CUTE AND TINY I JUST WANT TO HUG HER OMMMMG. sorry i can't help it!! i love you <3
i wonder how long this would appear to be in a blog. HMMMMMMM. i'ma make it into a blog, look really fast, and then if it's not long enough for my ~standards~ (lol standards what are those), then i'm gonna delete it and keep writing. BUT IF IT IS LONG ENOUGH, THEN I WILL BE DONE WRITING. AND THIS WILL BE THE END.
i love you stuti cabooty <3
thank you for being so damn perfect. : )

i love you more!!!
your blog will most likely be twice as good as mine bc you're perf
112 years, 3 months & 4 days ago 26th Feb 2012 19:41
1. this made me tear up
2. i love you
3. i love you
4. you're amazing
5. i love you


112 years, 3 months & 4 days ago 26th Feb 2012 19:39
it seemed to have made stuti happy
was well worth it!! : )
112 years, 3 months & 4 days ago 26th Feb 2012 19:37
Great god, that is sure long. o.o
112 years, 3 months & 4 days ago 26th Feb 2012 19:36
  1. Stuti cabooooooty <3
    26th Feb 2012 19:27
    12 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  2. i lav arose
    17th Sep 2011 18:42
    12 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  3. Aashtray.
    5th Dec 2009 09:02
    14 years, 5 months & 26 days ago