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  1. Pet Jobs
    11th Jul 2013 06:54
    10 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  2. Rose and Flower-Chapter two-Reuniting
    8th Jun 2012 01:30
    12 years & 9 days ago
  3. Rose and Flower-Chapter one-Separation
    5th Jun 2012 00:06
    12 years & 12 days ago
Rose and Flower-Chapter two-Reuniting
12 years & 9 days ago
8th Jun 2012 01:30

Rose ran into the forest.She stopped for rest at a cave but soon found out it was filled with wolves. She ran for her life. When she stopped to catch her breath, she looked at the sky and saw the face of a walrus. She got scared and started running again. She ran into a clearing.There she saw a sandbox and jumped into it.

Late at night, Flower thought about going after Rose. She hadn???t come back yet. After all, she still is my twin sister, thought Flower.

Rose landed on leaves. She looked around an saw that the whole ground was filled with leaves. A silhouette of a man caught her eye. She walked towards the man and saw he was made entirely out of leaves. Rose kept on walking towards him, thinking he might be able to help her in some way. When she reached the man,he took a blade and stabbed the side of it to Rose???s head. Rose became unconscious.

Flower packed some clothes,food (Shallal felafel, Herfy burgers, and Tazaj chicken nuggets), and a map in her bag. She left a note for her father saying:

Dear Father,
Don???t worry about Rose or me. I have gone after Rose to find her since she has not come back yet. Please don???t try to follow me. It may be dangerous but I have to take the risk. I want you to stay in the house and relax.

As she knew she could not go out to search for Rose without a place to begin with, so she sat down and thought of the places of where Rose might have gone.Then she recalled a picnic Rose, her father, and she had had at Redwood Forest.That she decided would be the starting point of the search. Walking would take a very long time, she thought, why not take the car. She took the keys and started the car. She didn???t know how to drive a car so killed many people. Soon the gas ran out and she had to walk towards the forest. Night came and flower stopped and ate food then slept.

Rose???s consciousness gradually returned. She opened her eyes and saw the sky and the sun above. Getting up she rubbed her hand where the blade had hit. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something. When she looked at her hand she saw that it was made of cloth. She was horrified. Her other hand was also made of cloth. Rose was wearing jeans, and in her pocket was a mirror-attached powder. She took the mirror and looked at herself. She had become a cloth doll.Rose couldn't go home as a cloth doll. Looking around, she saw that she was in the same area as she was before the blade had hit her. She started walking, hoping for a way out of her mess. She walked for hours. Suddenly she saw a low bush. Behind the bush there was an apple. Not red, not green, and not yellow. It was a blue apple. Rose thought it might be poisoned but was too hungry to care. Inside it was not white but in fact bright yellow.It tasted fine. The seeds were made of gold and silver. Rose kept the seeds in case she might be able to exchange them for food or some other valuable thing. After a while she saw a tree which was about half a foot tall with no leaves. It had three needles like a cactus???s but they were longer. Rose took one needle by the side and broke it of the plant. She thought she might need it to find her way in the night. She was surprised to see a man about two inches tall where the needle had been. Though the man was small, he had the voice of an average sized man. He asked Rose,?????? What are you doing here??????? Rose told him her story. The man listened to her tale and then gave her a feather. At dawn, if she waved it once food would come. If she waved it twice water would come. And if she waved it thrice a furnished hose would come. The price for the feather was the gold and silver seeds. Rose took the feather and gave the seeds and walked on. Soon night came and she slept.

The next morning Flower set out again on the search for Rose. She ate berries for breakfast. The forest had many sandboxes for children to play in. Flower arrived at a sandbox and noticed that a patch of the sand was lighter in color than the rest of the sand. She tied one end a rope on a near tree trunk and the other end around her waist then slowly climbed down in the sand. Soon she could see the sky. She looked on the floor and saw it was covered in mouse traps. There was a rabbit stuck in one of the traps. Quickly she climbed up the rope and went back to the forest. Some hours later she saw another sandbox. She tied the ends of the ropes again and went down into the sand. This time the ground below her was filled with leaves. She went all the way down and untied the rope arond her waist. Taking out a compass, she starts heading North. Hours later, night falls and Flower sets up her camp, eats, and sleeps.

Rose wakes up a half hour before dawn and quietly waits for dawn to come. When it does finally come, Rose takes her feather and waves it six times -- once to get food, twice to get drinks, and thrice to get a house. Rose takes her food inside the house and notices an amazing fact. As soon as she enters the house, her skin and flesh returns to her. Rose eats and drinks to her fill. Then she explores the house which has a library, a playroom, and a room with all the electronics ever built and will be built. After exploring the house, she gets tired and takes a book and curls up in her king-sized bed. Gradually sleep takes control and she goes to sleep again.

The next morning, Flower wakes up and eats a breakfast of dried fruits. She packs up her camp and headed North once again. Though she didn???t know it, she was just half a mile away from Rose???s house. Flower walked for about an hour and saw Rose???s house. She walked towards the front door and knocked on the knocker. Inside, Rose heard the knock and became frightened. She slowly opened the door, and to her surprise, she saw Flower. Both of the twins were surprised to see each other. Then Rose asked Flower,?????? Come into the house.??????
They asked each other questions and told each other their stories. Flower was shocked when Rose told her that she had the form of a rag doll. They discussed how to try to get Rose her body back. After they talked their fill, both of the twins ate and went to sleep.

112 years & 9 days ago 8th Jun 2012 04:28
  1. Pet Jobs
    11th Jul 2013 06:54
    10 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  2. Rose and Flower-Chapter two-Reuniting
    8th Jun 2012 01:30
    12 years & 9 days ago
  3. Rose and Flower-Chapter one-Separation
    5th Jun 2012 00:06
    12 years & 12 days ago