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If you ever doubt that I'm using a book I'm trying to buy from you discounted, I get it. Check my pet simba_10, as he is my main learnies pet!


I'll sometimes come here and then like... immediately switch tabs so uhh.. I'm here but I'm not
...sorry 'bout that...

Hey there!
If you need help with anything, just mail me and I'll do what I can! Keep in mind though that I can't always guarantee I will respond quickly. I get distracted easily...

If you've offered on one of my trades and haven't heard a response in about a day, please MM/MT me! I often get sidetracked and then proceed to forget about whatever it may have been that I was doing (looking at trades, doing a quest, I'm really terrible at the sometimes)

No, my pets aren't for sale/trade. Please don't mail me about it

Uhh so first things first: I'm usually online at home on my desktop, but sometimes I'm on my phone or at my dads or really just whatever pc I'm near so like... i hope that's okay oops
second I've been here since 2006 and I'm an adult player that likes to play here instead of do responsible adult things (not that i know what those are tbh)

I'm not trading my pets and while I might lend them, the one you probably want is stuck in a temple so uhhh sorry dude

If we talk then I'll friend you/temporarily allow requests but if not then sorry i don't want any random friends, i already have a bunch of friends like that irl so like no...

I don't want to join your club, i'm already in one that i lowkey didn't even want but now is like part of the reason i come online so
i guess what I'm saying is thanks but i'm set

I am friendly (on here at least) but just forgetful so like if you want a fast response, MT don't MM. I'll try and help if i can

While i do draw, i probably don't want to unless i said i'd trade with you or like it's a present cause man i'm sick of feeling ripped off
that took me like 5hrs minimum and you gave me 500k
thats like 80 cents canadian
i can make more money picking up pennies on the sidewalk so uhhh no i'm probably not drawing anything

ps i'm full of fun inconsistencies like I'm and i'm
i tried

my life is one part 'wait' and another part 'what'





  1. halloween items checklist
    26th Oct 2020 20:56
    3 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  2. EPI Grabs cause why not
    5th Sep 2020 22:34
    3 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  3. Quest Tests - Version 2
    22nd Aug 2017 18:47
    6 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  4. Gauging interest
    4th May 2017 21:59
    7 years & 15 days ago
  5. 12th Birthday Event
    22nd Aug 2016 12:34
    7 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  6. I need event clothes!!!
    23rd Mar 2016 17:13
    8 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  7. New Art Blog
    3rd Jan 2016 17:07
    8 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
  8. Missing UF Glowing Eggs
    18th Oct 2015 18:16
    8 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  9. Missing PP items urg
    9th Jul 2015 12:04
    8 years, 10 months & 10 days ago
  10. Quest Test -- Excavator
    31st Mar 2015 23:26
    9 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
Quest Test -- Shusan
9 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
31st Mar 2015 22:18

Shusan is going to take forever, so I'm posting this now with the little bit I have (little as in only 3 of the 6 I've done will have info, cause I did some quests before thinking of writing spent/earned totals)

Well since there are about a billion quests (shhh, let me exaggerate), I'm going to split them up (yes, I could do this on my marasite, yes I totally have started that, but no I don't feel like doing more on that atm).

Feel free to skip to the part that's after a box! That's were the actual information begins.

Each one will have this little blurb (wall) of text (so really, read it once and skip it forever more), but anything important I will bold/colour. I'll also post the appropriate links to both the quest in question, and the other blogs about the other quests. Maybe not the other blogs... Depends on if I feel like doing that much stuff. Either way, you'll be able to find the others on my main blog list thing so it's fine.

I'm getting off topic. Following this blurb, I'll post some of the intro from the original main quest blog thing - the mothership? The hub? Regardless of names, it has important information.

Link for the mothership:

Important things
* If I get items back from a quest, I'll list roughly how much it will sell for[/u] as well, so you know your (approximate) total profit. If you get a currency other than MP, I'll post how easy it is to sell (in my opinion). I'll try to be the one stop info blog about profits on quests!
*Pretty much every quest will technically give you RP. Anytime you buy from a Mara shop (not user shops), you are rewarded a certain amount of RP.
*No quest will ask for: Newspapers, Photos, or Magazines. I'm pretty sure they won't ask for Plates either.
*If a quest happens to be 'Quest of the Week' and it gives items or a different currency, the prices will lower by a lot during that week. Because of this, any of the item prices below might be skewed a bit.
*If you happen to see something that I've written wrong, or would like to see more on it, mail me or comment!

The Royal Fairy
Really quickly, I'd like to include a little blurb about the Royal Fairy.
She can be found in the castle in Nimbus.
After completing a set number of quests, she will reward you.
The reward list is posted with the Royal Fairy, but some rewards include increasing amounts of MP (for now, up to 90k for finishing 60k quests), contacts that can only be gained from the fairy, a booster, a stamp, and more.

| Now for the part you're actually here for! |

WHERE TO FIND: Vortex Park
She'll ask if you have an item (or two) in your wardrobe, and if you do by the end of the time limit, you'll be rewarded with a single sock. Match socks Shusan gives you to win the pair. Only 10 single socks can be held at a time. (Held by Shusan, you don't get any till you match a pair)
Spent: 48,146 MP
Earned: 6,037 MP, 5 socks, 1 pairs worth 39,898
Items: Socks
Quests Done: 5
Side Notes: * Additional earnings: around 1,500 MP, 3 socks, and that's resulted in one pair worth 39,996 but I can't count those oops
* 3 in (as a little pre test so I didn't record it oops), and it seems like you get mp each time you make a match. Being that this is also new, you'll probably make a decent amount of MP if you sell the pair of socks
*Still regarding the three I didn't record, I matched a pair and have a single sock left over, so that's what I'm starting the official documentation with (I sound so official)
*She will ask for any wardrobe item. Seriously. Any. Trying to officially start it, she asked if I had a Doyle Necklace. Needless to say, I didn't have it nor did I want to go find the Retired Capsule Machine item.
*I will skip some of these. Some for monetary reasons, some for personal preference (aka I'm too poor and I don't want a bunch of random male clothing in my wardrobe)
*This one can be really expensive or really cheap. It honestly depends on your wardrobe size. Me, with only roughly 530 items, versus someone else with 1400+ items, will be paying more MP more often, simply because I will end up having to search for the items. Theoretically, this can be cheaper after time, since you have to have the clothing Shusan wants in your wardrobe, but realistically if you're like me (broke and picky), you will be skipping a bunch of the quests from her. Maybe less later on, but cutting out pricy items and all Male clothing makes it a challenge

Avatars: N/A (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Final Notes
If you have a decent wardrobe, yes do this quest. Otherwise tread carefully. I can see it being worth it (I'm pretty sure a fair number of socks are still worth a lot), but for a lot of people, the cost will out weigh the gain. So for the first time ever, I'm saying pass on this quest, unless you have a large enough wardrobe.

  1. halloween items checklist
    26th Oct 2020 20:56
    3 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  2. EPI Grabs cause why not
    5th Sep 2020 22:34
    3 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  3. Quest Tests - Version 2
    22nd Aug 2017 18:47
    6 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  4. Gauging interest
    4th May 2017 21:59
    7 years & 15 days ago
  5. 12th Birthday Event
    22nd Aug 2016 12:34
    7 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  6. I need event clothes!!!
    23rd Mar 2016 17:13
    8 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  7. New Art Blog
    3rd Jan 2016 17:07
    8 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
  8. Missing UF Glowing Eggs
    18th Oct 2015 18:16
    8 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  9. Missing PP items urg
    9th Jul 2015 12:04
    8 years, 10 months & 10 days ago
  10. Quest Test -- Excavator
    31st Mar 2015 23:26
    9 years, 1 month & 18 days ago