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  1. Photo List
    27th May 2011 13:06
    13 years & 17 days ago
  2. New TWF Cat Bios
    22nd Nov 2009 14:57
    14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  3. OLD BLOG: New TWF Cats
    21st Nov 2009 17:29
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  4. OLD BLOG: Warriors Blog Roleplay
    24th Oct 2009 13:04
    14 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  5. OLD BLOG: Darkheart: An epic warrior story
    30th Apr 2009 18:55
    15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  6. OLD BLOG: Nabooru's Operation Portal Log
    7th Mar 2009 16:34
    15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  7. OLD BLOG: History of Evil Cats in TWF
    22nd Feb 2009 12:16
    15 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
  8. OLD BLOG: TWF Quick List - Meh Kittehs
    30th Jan 2009 14:51
    15 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  9. OLD BLOG: The Warrior Forest Roleplay Characters
    31st Aug 2008 07:26
    15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  10. Pets- Old & Current
    23rd Sep 2007 11:28
    16 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
New TWF Cat Bios
14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
22nd Nov 2009 14:57

Cat bases are by Kitsufox on DeviantArt


Name: Twilightclaw
Fur: Black fur with scarlet stripes. Bright red eyes. (Hey, I never thought we had to be realistic with our cats. ;D)
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Elder
Family: Mother of Nightseeker, grandmother of Scarkit.
Personality: Haughty, but friendly to those close to her.
Talents: Was decent at hunting. Fighting never was her forte.
((Current Location: WindClan camp, Elder's Den))

Name: Nightseeker (Expy of Midnaclaw)
Fur: All black fur, red eyes, scar across forehead.
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Senior Warrior
Family: Daughter of Twilightclaw, mate of Shadowheart, mother of Scarkit.
Personality: Ever since Scarkit disappeared, mopey.
Talents: Running, fighting. Decent at hunting, just not great.
((Current Location: WindClan Camp))

Name: Shadowheart
Fur: Gray tabby with green eyes.
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Warrior
Family: Unknown parents. Mate of Nightseeker, father of Scarkit.
Personality: Unpredictable, violent.
Talents: Fighting. Shadowheart never liked hunting.
((Current Location: WindClan Camp))


Name: Dogface
Appearance: Brown tabby she-cat with one green eye. The other was taken out in a battle with a dog.
Clan: ThunderClan, Warrior
Family: None known.
Talents: Fighting. She's decent at hunting, but the battlefield is where she belongs.
Personality: Though most would find her name disgraceful, she thinks of it as a title. She loves the thrill of battle, and is often to hasty with her decisions. She's very brash.


Name: Scarpaw
Fur: Gray tabby with green eyes. Has a few scars down his backside.
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Apprentice of Dewclaw
Family: Son of Nightseeker & Shadowheart. Grandson of Twilightclaw.
Personality: Quiet. Reserved.
Talents: As a kit, Scarpaw loved playing with herbs. He only knows about chamomile and lavender at the moment, though. Now that he is an apprentice, his main talent is his ability to run fast. Due to extensive training, he can also swim and fight like a young warrior as well. ((Current Location: SkyClan camp))

Name: Dewclaw
Appearance: Ginger tabby she-cat with bright green eyes. Missing her left eye.
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Mentor of Scarpaw
Family: None. I don't know how this is possible, but... xD
Personality: Quiet, but loves to explore.
Talents: Hunting is Dewclaw's big thing. She's pretty good at fighting, just not as good as some cats.
((Current Location: SkyClan Camp))


Name: Pineclaw
Appearance: Brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Clan: SkyClan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: More faithful to the Warrior Code than his Clan.
Family: None.
Talents: Fighting & Jumping
((Current Location: SkyClan Camp))


Name: Hazelfoot
Fur: Light brown tom with a lighter brown front paw.
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Senior Warrior
Personality: Kind and caring, but loves a good fight
Talents: Fighting & swimming.

Name: Goldpaw
Fur: Honey-colored she-cat with grey eyesClan: RiverClan
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Quiet, rather insecure
Talents: Hunting, especially fishing.


Name: Shadowstar (Yes, the original!)
Fur: Has bushy black fur and green eyes.
Clan: Was the first leader of ShadowClan
Rank: Leader
Family: Mother of Clawstorm and Lionroar, mate of Leopardclaw.
Personality: Suspicious, but kind once you crawl under her protective exterior.
Talents: The mother of all stealthy cats. She can sneak up on you any time, any where. Too bad she's dead.
History: Shadowstar came to the forest with a band of cats in an attempt to claim territory. She was one of the few survivors of the battle at Fourtrees, along with Winter, River, Thunder, Sky, and Wind. Shadow was given her nine lives and her full name, Shadowstar, and went on to form ShadowClan. Along with the other four leaders, she created the law that stated 'No trespassing on other Clan's territories'. Shadowstar later went on to mate with Leopardclaw, and had two kits. Their names were Clawkit, and Lionkit. The two grew up to be strong warriors, but out of jealousy, Clawstorm murdered Lionroar. He was soon revealed and cast from the Clan. Shadowstar began to lose lives after that from malnutrition, pointless battles, and eventually lost her last when her son, Clawstorm took it from her.

Name: Lionroar
Fur: Brilliant golden fur with a line of ginger around his neck. Blue eyes.
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Was Deputy before he died.
Family: Son of Shadowstar and Leopardclaw, brother of Clawstorm.
Personality: Brave, valiant warrior
Talents: Sneaking is not his thing, due to his fur color. Lionroar was great at hunting, though.
History: Lionroar was born to Shadowstar and Leopardclaw. He and his brother, Clawstorm, were the first two kits born in ShadowClan. As an apprentice, Lionroar was always great at hunting, and was pretty good at fighting. This caused his mother to make him deputy soon after he became a warrior. This did not last long, though, as he was soon killed by his jealous brother.


Name: Clawstorm
Fur: Black tabby with fearsome green eyes
Clan: None. Was once of ShadowClan.
Rank: None. Was once a warrior.
Family: Son of Shadowstar and Leopardclaw, brother of Lionroar. Mate of Stream, father of Dark-kit, Firekit and Icekit.
Personality: Power-hungry, easily angered.
Talents: Sneaking around is fairly easy for Clawstorm due to his dark pelt. Fighting is his forte, while hunting is not.
History: Clawstorm was born to Shadowstar and Leopardclaw. He grew jealous of his brother, Lionroar, and eventually killed him. Clawstorm attempted to take over ShadowClan, and killed his own mother when she was weak, but ultimately failed. He mated with a rogue she-cat, Stream, and had three kits with her. They live on ShadowClan territory, but ever since ShadowClan left for SkyClan, they've been living there.

Name: Stream
Fur: Gray tabby she-cat.
Clan: None. Was once a WindClanner.
Rank: None. Left before she was assigned a rank.
Family: Mate of Clawstorm, mother of Dark-kit, Firekit, and Icekit.
Personality: Quiet, caring.
Talents: Running. That's about it.
History: Stream witnessed the forming of the Clans, and left with Wind. She didn't like the way the Clans worked, so she left. Stream came across Clawstorm, and eventually fell in love with him. They mated, and had kits. Stream lives in ShadowClan's abandoned camp with her kits and her mate.

Name: Darkpaw (Will be Darkheart)
Fur: Pure black tom with green eyes.
Clan: None.
Rank: None.
Family: Son of Clawstorm and Stream. Brother of Icepaw and Firepaw.
Personality: Ambitious and power-hungry, like his father.
Talents: He's decent at both fighting and hunting. He's great, however, at sneaking about.
History: Dark-kit was born to Stream and Clawstorm. He was given an apprentice name by his father, and currently lives in ShadowClan's abandoned camp.

Name: Firepaw (Will be Firefrost)
Fur: Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Clan: None
Rank: None
Family: Daughter of Clawstorm and Stream. Sister of Icepaw and Darkpaw.
Personality: Rather reserved.
Talents: Hunting.
History: See Darkpaw.

Name: Icepaw (Will be Icepelt)
Fur: Blue tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Clan: None
Rank: NOne
Family: Daughter of Clawstorm and Stream. Sister of Firepaw and Darkpaw.
Personality: Kind. Which is rather surprising considering her heritage.
Talents: Fighting, hunting.
History: See Darkpaw.

I wanna get ya'll something.
Whaddya want? >:[ xD
114 years, 6 months & 15 days ago 27th Nov 2009 15:15
OOC:// Holleh Crap! Well, It was like, a year ago. XD

Yus, but if you spend 2k on me, that leaves 1,998,000 MP to spend on other people and yourself. ^^
114 years, 6 months & 19 days ago 23rd Nov 2009 15:40
Mai two front teeth! XD

No, I'm joking. ^.^
But I wonder how expensive a Gothic Costume is...
Last time I checked, they were around 50k... and that's still very expensive...
Perhaps a crystal? ^^
114 years, 6 months & 20 days ago 23rd Nov 2009 05:35
  1. Photo List
    27th May 2011 13:06
    13 years & 17 days ago
  2. New TWF Cat Bios
    22nd Nov 2009 14:57
    14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  3. OLD BLOG: New TWF Cats
    21st Nov 2009 17:29
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  4. OLD BLOG: Warriors Blog Roleplay
    24th Oct 2009 13:04
    14 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  5. OLD BLOG: Darkheart: An epic warrior story
    30th Apr 2009 18:55
    15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  6. OLD BLOG: Nabooru's Operation Portal Log
    7th Mar 2009 16:34
    15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  7. OLD BLOG: History of Evil Cats in TWF
    22nd Feb 2009 12:16
    15 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
  8. OLD BLOG: TWF Quick List - Meh Kittehs
    30th Jan 2009 14:51
    15 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  9. OLD BLOG: The Warrior Forest Roleplay Characters
    31st Aug 2008 07:26
    15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  10. Pets- Old & Current
    23rd Sep 2007 11:28
    16 years, 8 months & 18 days ago