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    13 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
    27th Dec 2010 08:36
    13 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  4. Venting
    17th Nov 2010 15:04
    13 years, 6 months & 13 days ago
  5. 1x1's
    4th Sep 2010 18:46
    13 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  6. All My RP'ing Plots
    2nd Dec 2009 17:00
    14 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
  7. Old Roleplaying Schtuff [[club crap]]
    25th Nov 2009 08:43
    14 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
  8. Roleplaying Intros and Crap
    22nd Sep 2008 19:03
    15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
All My RP'ing Plots
14 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
2nd Dec 2009 17:00

No stealing or I swear, I will hunt you down and you shall feel my wrath. Punishment will involve pink ninjas, wet noodles, and chopping of the fingers. Seriously. Don't mess with me. >=[

+The Hybrids+


There have always been rumors about the Bermuda Triangle, dangerous rumors that feed our nightmares. Some say that once you set foot into the Triangle, no one shall ever see you again.

Of course, this is not entirely false.

There are robots hidden just inside the Bermuda Triangle. As soon as a ship or airplane enters, these robots sense them. They are programmed to seek and destroy intruders - and with powerful machine guns, that is exactly what they do.

But if one looked closely on the back of the sleek, waterproof black backs, one would see the tiny version of the presidential seal stamped in gold.

For these robots are protecting one of the American government's most precious secrets. Nobody, except for perhaps less than half a dozen individuals outside of the Bermuda Triangle, knows about it.

Exactly what it is, nobody has ever discovered.

But the truth is startlingly different from the rumors.

There is an island, positioned exactly in the center of the Triangle, where children are brought to in the dead of the night. These children are the strongest that America can find, both nationally and internationally. Only the strongest are taken from their homes in the hope that they might have a higher chance of surviving.

Because what goes on at this island is extremely dangerous.

Once the children are at the island, the scientists there experiment on them, fusing their DNA with that of animals.

Their hope?

To create the world's strongest, smartest, fastest - in other words, /best/ - human.

Precious few of the children have ever survived the experiments. They are painful, especially since the conditions that the children are kept in are fit for animals, and over 75% of all the children who are taken to this island in the Triangle die before the age of 5.

Those that do survive are educated and trained, as well as tested like animals and kept in the same conditions as before. These scientists decide that if they can get enough of the children to survive, then America will have an army unlike anything the world has ever seen.

But one innocent day, everything changes.

The rooms of the children are found empty, and the windows smashed.

And once the world finds out exactly who they are, nothing will ever be the same again.


+The hybrids
The hybrids are the children that have survived the experiments, their age ranging from six to seventeen. They each are a unique combination of human and animal, and they all have certain dangerous qualities [none of them are butterfly hybrids, for example]. There are no more than ten of these. And, of course, right now they are on the run from the scientists who took their freedom away and on the search for any clue of their history. They are all in the same group. If they have the chance, they'd also like to rescue the other children [see below].

+The scientists
The scientists are those who experimented on the children. They want nothing more than to gain them back; they are searching and searching. So far they have found nothing, but they will soon; they have more advanced equipment than anything else in the world. They see the children on the island as nothing more than common animals.

+The other children
These are the children who are young, who have not been experimented on, and who are not yet deemed a successful experiment; to be successful, you have to be more than five years old. Throughout the RP they will experience pain and suffering. By having people join as these, I hope to throw a different perspective on the RP.


+You can have as many characters as you want, as long as you don't have more than one hybrid.

+Be as literate as possible; typos are accepted.

+No copies of hybrids, please. There are billions of animals out there, people!

+Please, please, please, try to deal with your writer's block as best as possible. One paragraph consisting of three sentences is not acceptable.

+No PP, godmoding, etc.

+Ask to join.

+Mara-rules apply. Which means romance is unacceptable.

+If Eva, Hero, Dez, Maxie, Caz, or any club member joins, they have as much power as me [which means they can let someone join, someone out, you have to listen to them, etc.]


[[This idea sort of resembles Avatar: The Last Airbender, so I hold no claims over the idea of the elements or the person who can control all the elements]]

+The Knights' Tournament+

Welcome to the land of Serelin, where the good of the people is protected by the Order of the Knights.

These Knights are not like the knights of other worlds or nations. These knights are blessed with the control over the elements at birth, identified from other children by a birthmark that adorns their forehead.

A teardrop for water.

A leaf for earth.

A flame for fire.

A cloud for air.

A star for light.

A mask for shadow[or, essentially, illusion].

And a sundial for time, the most powerful of them all.

All those who are marked are brought to the Capital, where they are trained to control their powers. Each knight, at the age of seven, also choose a specialty, such as swordsfighting, archery, and the like, to train in. The knights-in-training are divided by specialty, and then by element.

Every seven generations, though, there come seven knights that are unique, even among their kind.

They are marked by birthmarks that cover their entire body. These tattoos tell the legacy of the past, of all the history that has occurred among the knights and among the land of Serelin. Even as these knights grow, the tattoos are ever-changing.

These knights have the power to control all seven elements.

They are called the Elementalists, and they have greater longevity than most. They live for seven generations until Serelin is ready for a new ruler.

The ruler of Serelin is always an Elementalist, but not all seven Elementalists can be rulers. So there is a tournament every seven generations between these knights, when they become of age at seventeen years old. This tournament is always a spectacle to see, and all citizens of Serelin flock to the Capital to see who will win. The victor will become the new ruler, and the losers will be granted very high positions in the government, depending on their ranks in the tournaments.

This year brings a threat, predicted by the mages of the past. As soon as the tournament ends, there is to be an evil, one that haunts the nightmares of humankind. It will awaken and bring terror to the land.

And only these elementalists can stop it, if they work together.

But elementalists are known for their independence, not for their teamwork skills.

Let the Games begin...

You may join as one of the seven Elementalists, or as the evil. [you can decide what this evil is XD]

Sorry there aren't many slots. This RP isn't designed for very many slots.

We begin on the first day of the Tournament. This Tournament lasts for about seven days and seven hours. It consists of a series of battles between the Elementalists, a display of powers where they show a panel of judges how controlled and creative they are with their powers, and a final match between the two last contestants [the other five are eliminated]. Whoever wins will determine who is the new ruler.

Sorry, the 'display' of powers is before the fights. One person is eliminated in the preliminary round, and that person will probably be me. ^^

Since I know a lot of people would like to win this tournament, I will decide who wins what through a random generator. I most certainly will not win, for I will be joining as one of the Elementalists who specializes in archery, so the rest of you get a number. If your number is selected, I will send you a mail before the fight is RP'd to let you know. If you are not mailed, you must assume you are the loser.

First everyone must fill in the slots and write their intros before I can formally 'organize' the matches. Yes, I know this is a lot of work and a really unique RP, but I had this idea and I really wanted to see if it works out. If it doesn't, well, I learned my lesson.


+Be as literate as possible. The occasional typo is accepted. As in, don't type like;

"She ran. She stopped. She fought and everyone died, the end."

+You can have only one charrie, unless you want any extras.

+No copies of specialties, please.

+Please, please, please, try to deal with your writer's block as best as possible. One paragraph consisting of three sentences is not acceptable.

+No PP, godmoding, etc.

+Ask to join.

+Mara-rules apply. Which means romance is unacceptable.

+If Eva, Hero, Dez, Maxie, Caz, or any club member joins, they have as much power as me [which means they can let someone join, someone out, you have to listen to them, etc.]


+The Year of 2012+

[[idea is taken from the concept that the world will end in the year 2012. I also borrowed an idea or two from Gone, a novel by Michael Grant. I do not hold a claim over some of the ideas introduced in this plot]]

For centuries, humans have speculated over the Mayan prediction that the world will end in the year 2012.

There has been much research on the topic.

Some are skeptical. Others pray for their lives.

Finally the dreaded year is here.

On the exact seventh second of the seventh hour of the seventh day of the seventh month of 2012, all humans that were older than fifteen years disappeared.


All that are left are the adolescents. The babies. The toddlers. No authorities, no adults, no parents.

Chaos is imminent.

All over the world, all the adults have disappeared, leaving the children and teenagers confused and hopelessly lost. Most of them did not, could not, believe that 2012 meant the end of the world. Yet now they do.

But not all is lost. There is still food, water, electricity, housing.

And a certain percentage of the children, from the moment all adults were gone, have gained powers. Some are threatening. Others are completely useless. Most are for defense, or attack - a few, though, are actually helpful.

But the people who don't have powers are afraid, confused. At first everyone exists in perfect harmony. But society changes, as it always does, and the normal humans throw suspicion at the new gifted teenagers. They believe that the gifted are going to take over with their new powers and force the normal ones into slavery. They band off into a group, one that is devoted to opposing the gifted.

But there is a menace just as great as the coming war.

As soon as someone turns fifteen, they vanish.

Gone. Just like the adults.

Can the teenagers find a way to beat this time limit? Can they survive with the little resources they have? Or will war really end the last of the human race?

If anyone here read Gone, you will no I am not quite following the plot. There is no gaiaphage, no nuclear plant, no Little Pete, no mutant monsters. War is good enough for me. XD

And if you don't know what I'm talking about, good.

You can join as a gifted or a normal, simple as that. I don't really think there are any other characters. The age ranges from three to fourteen. Try to keep your powers, if you are a gifted, from bordering invincibility. I don't really want to see any three-year olds who can blow up the world.

I myself will be joining as twins. One of them is gifted [control of the elements], the other is not, so they are on opposite sides. There are also leaders for each side, one for each. My gifted twin shall be the leader of the gifted; the leader slot for the normals is open. ^^

One more thing. I'd like to limit this to one main city, since it would be difficult to have multiple wars or whatever. The city will be New York City, but only because it is one of the most populous cities in the US. If needed, like if there are a lot of people who join, I will allow Tokyo to become the other main location for the big fights.


+Be as literate as possible. The occasional typo is accepted. As in, don't type like;

"She ran. She stopped. She fought and everyone died, the end."

+You can have as many charries as you want and up to two gifted people. Remember, there are not as many gifted as there are normals.

+No copies of powers, please.

+Please, please, please, try to deal with your writer's block as best as possible. One paragraph consisting of three sentences is not acceptable.

+No PP, godmoding, etc.

+Ask to join.

+Mara-rules apply. Which means romance is unacceptable.

+If Eva, Hero, Dez, Maxie, Caz, or any club member joins, they have as much power as me [which means they can let someone join, someone out, you have to listen to them, etc.]

I have the right to ask you to leave if you break any of these rules.


+The Silver Tear+


In the fading light of the day, a small shadow curled up ever tighter, perched precariously on the branch of a tree, yet managing not to fall.

/So many lives lost today, so much I could've done. All gone, gone, gone./

A single tear dropped onto the end of the branch.

It took on the appearance of a jewel, glistening with facets, glowing with an inner silver light. Yet there was something infinitely more precious to the teardrop than a real gem. Something sacred, something so pure it almost made up for all the hate in the wretched world.

As if time had slowed to a mere trickle, the drop fell from the tree, shining with a glorious beauty as if it knew it had only a few more seconds to exist in all its simple splendor.

A slender arm, white and smooth, snatched out, removing itself from the ball of pale flesh to which it belonged to pluck the tear out of the misty air. Slowly the being - for it was surely not human - uncoiled, revealing the delicate frame of something mankind had never before seen.

Seraphina was a beautiful thing, and it appeared as if she was made entirely out of the color of white. Everything from the long rivulets of silver hair to the shining pearly wings that suspended her in the air to the robe that draped itself over her body was white, in varying shades. Even her eyes were colorless: big, innocent orbs with irises so pale they could barely be seen. They were now covered by a curtain of tears, which fractured their enchanting light into a hundred pieces.

The Spirit looked sadly down at the war before her, still continuing as the sun sank beneath the horizon. As more and more people died, her white body, which signified the pureness of the soul contained within, seemed to become a shade more grayer. Seraphina knew that as the war raged on, she, who represented the hope of mankind, would soon fade away into the void.

Oh, if only Jade, Spirit of Fate, had not thought that the death of the daughter of King Royan, one of seven rulers of Eliriam, would just be a harmless game! If only Eska, Spirit of Emotions, hadn't toyed with him, causing his grief to overwhelm common sense!

If only the follies of the two mischievous spirits had not led to King Royan declaring war on the other kings until someone admitted to killing his only heir...

Of course no one did. No one was to blame for, except for the Spirits who had governed Iliriam from the shadows since the beginning of time.

Now so many spirits were dying. So many humans, so many other races were dying.

The world was surely ending.

But there was still hope. In the teardrop she now clutched in her hand Seraphina had managed to trap a small measure of hope. Just like the many spirits before her, she had managed to capture the last drop of what it was she represented. When the Spirits died, the teardrops would pull together and release their tremendous power, saving Iliriam.

But the plan would only work if all living things of the world did not die out first. And it would only work if /all/ the spirits did it, and she knew that Jade and Eska were far more evil than they were made out to be.

And she knew there were many other spirits who were just like Jade and Eska...

/Time is running out... I give Iliriam perhaps seven days before the kings kill each other out./

With a shuddering sigh, the Spirit of Hope faded away, and the teardrop fell to the moist earth, never to be seen again unless humankind was saved.

Now, some need-to-knows;;//

+There are, as mentioned, seven kings. They each rule a different species:
King Royan - the humans
King Liryk - the elves
King Hureo - the dragons [[Taken by;; dragon_wing]]
King Maledyn - the mermen
King Farh - the Intelligent animals
King Derrus - the vampires
King Arik - the harpies
There are also many other minor kings and species, but these are the "head honchos".
You may join as one of these or one of their people fighting in the war. Each king has a general [army master], a defense master, an offense master, a weapons master, and magic master.

+Out of the hundreds of spirits, there are only seven spirits left, including Jade and Eska. You may join as one of them or another spirit. If you join as another spirit, you can choose if they are good or evil, and you may also choose their name and gender as well as the things you normally choose for them. Each one has specific powers. You can choose these within reason. They are spirits, but they are not gods. Some interesting food for thought.
Spirit of Death
Spirit of Time [[Taken by; Sphinks]]
Spirit of Beauty
Spirit of Night and Day
Spirit of Music [all sounds, music, etc.] [[Taken by; hulacow52]]

There's really nothing else for you to know.


+Be as literate as possible. The occasional typo is accepted. As in, don't type like;

"She ran. She stopped. She fought and everyone died, the end."

+You can have as many character as you can handle, but if you're a king or spirit, you can only be one.

+Please, please, please, try to deal with your writer's block as best as possible. One paragraph consisting of three sentences is not acceptable.

+No PP, godmoding, etc.

+Ask to join.

+Mara-rules apply. Which means romance is unacceptable.

+If Eva, Hero, Dez, Maxie, Caz, or any close friend [you know who you are] joins, they have as much power as me [which means they can let someone join, someone out, you have to listen to them, etc.]

I have the right to ask you to leave if you break any of these rules.


+The Two that are One+

Anyway, some of you may know about the plot that Eva, Hero, and myself came up with. I assure you that though the basic idea is the same, this plot shall be different from that one. For starters, there is only one kingdom and no mystical magical animals, just humans. Except maybe the evil guy.

So let's begin, shall we?

Many believe that the world we live in, the very history we are playing out today has no magical roots. Though the ancient human imagination has long dreamed of the existence of this magic, scientists have always said that the idea of magic in history is impossible.

But imagine if they were wrong. Imagine if, deep down in the reaches of forgotten memories, there used to exist a force more powerful than anything known today.

Yes, I am speaking of magic.

For indeed, long, long ago, long before the wars of knights and the Roman Empire, the world belonged to one kingdom, and one kingdom only.

It was known as Aranis.

In this kingdom, peace and happiness reigned. The long lines of royalty governed the land wisely, and all was well during the long years that faded into centuries.

Every seventh generation produced two babies. These children would be different from everyone else, marked to play very important roles. One of these babies would bore a sun-shaped birthmark, the other a moon-shaped one. They would be born on the same minute of the same day of the same year as each other and would wield powers that, without them, the world of harmony wouldn't exist.

They would have the power to control the moon and sun.

Only twice in all of history have these babies been the same gender, only once were they twins, and never were they members of the royal family.

Until one fateful summer day...

The Guardians, as these babies were known as, were old and crippled, having outlasted everyone that they knew. They lived as hermits did, and were ready to slip into the peaceful embrace of death.

Miles and miles away, the queen gave birth to identical twins, both of them girls.

And on their foreheads were the marks that identified themselves as the next Guardians.

It was obvious they were different. Within a week they could walk and form complete sentences. Their eyes had the wisdom of the oldest woman lying on her deathbed. Whenever Solara raised her hand, the sun would peek out from behind the golden hills; whenever Lunaris dropped hers, the moon would dip beneath the horizon.

At the age of eight, however, something happened to them. Something unbelievable.

As they were riding through the tall grasses of their kingdom, an ancient enemy of the king's captured them and brought them to his fortress concealed in the deep folds of the northern mountains. He had long sought for the throne, and when the king had banished him, had sought vengeance. What better revenge than using the own king's daughters' powers against them?

In the fortress, they became weaker and weaker. Still, the princesses were faithful to their kingdom and continued the cycle of the rising and falling sun and moon. It soon became apparent that if they did this any longer, they would die. And once they stopped, the kingdom would fall into eternal darkness.

When their horses rode back home without them on their backs, their parents began to despair. They knew the danger their daughters and Aranis was in. And so they summoned the best knights they had, a group of four friends, to retrieve the princesses.

The thing is, though, these knights are mere teenagers.

And time is against them.


I am one of the knights. You may join as one of the knights, the princesses, the enemy, or the king and queen.

The knights must travel north through a treacherous desert, a stifling forest, and the merciless mountains. Start RP'ing at the moment when the knights set out on their quest. Yes, they can have powers, but only one per knight. [E] Oh yeah, and they should all have a specialty. For example, mine will be an expert in magic. Two knights can have the same specialty, if desired.

+Be as literate as possible. The occasional typo is accepted. As in, don't type like;

"She ran. She stopped. She fought and everyone died, the end."

+Only one main character, please. But you can have as many as you want [an accomplice of the enemy, for example].

+Please, please, please, try to deal with your writer's block as best as possible. One paragraph consisting of three sentences is not acceptable.

+No PP, godmoding, etc.

+Ask to join.

+Mara-rules apply. Which means romance is unacceptable.

+If Eva, Hero, Dez, Maxie, Caz, or any club member joins, they have as much power as me [which means they can let someone join, someone out, you have to listen to them, etc.]

I have the right to ask you to leave if you break any of these rules.

113 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 10th Jun 2010 18:02
114 years, 1 month & 2 days ago 30th Apr 2010 10:25
OTHER BD intro;

Jayden stared at the ceiling of his tiny cell, his hands clenched into fists, and his lips clamped shut over the dirty words that he wanted to shout.

Stupid Society. Stupid leader. Stupid drawing.

Everything was stupid.

Why couldn't things be like the way they used to be? Why? Did world domination mean the removal of all technology?

The fourteen year old clenched his eyes shut, trying to calm himself down. Okay. In this hellhole, he would need to keep his wits about him, and the only way he could do that was if he didn't lose his temper.

Once he had his calm back, Jayden tried to process what was happening to him.

There had been a drawing. He had been chosen. When he arrived at the Capital, for some reason the mysterious leader of the Black Daggers (who was not nearly as intimidating as she had been made out to be) had chosen him. Was he to be tortured? To be used for experiments?

What exactly was going to happen to him?

Jayden almost would have liked to be in the Arena, with certain death chasing him wherever he went, then being stuck here, in this damp cell, not knowing what the future held for him.

After what felt like the longest while, the heavy iron door swung open to reveal a hulking figure. A guard.

Without a word, he was dragged into a room where another girl was already strapped up being whipped. Not being able to bear the sight, Jayden looked away.


Jade tapped her chin. Another of her little pets.

What would Shade come up for this one? With his albino hair cut close to his scalp, his dark blue eyes that glowered with rebelliousness, and a slouching demeanor, the co/cky teenager was the picture of someone who did not like to follow the rules.

Which was why she had chosen him. She wanted to see the disobedient light in his eyes slowly fade away as he was broken inside, step by step.

A tiny smile graced Jade's lips.
114 years, 1 month & 22 days ago 10th Apr 2010 08:48
114 years & 5 months ago 30th Dec 2009 11:58
114 years & 5 months ago 29th Dec 2009 19:39
Other Hybrids Intro;

"You have failed."

"I-I'm sorry, sir."

"You promised me an army of children, and what do I get? The 'regrettable' news that they've escaped! If the rest of the world knew, where the Hell would we be? We'd be in a whole lot of trouble, that's what I can tell you."

"I'm sorry, sir. We'll try to find them if we can."

"You better, Deborah. You convinced me that you were one of the smartest, and so I made you head scientist of that wretched place. But if you can't find them, well, /you'll/ be the next experiment."

"...Yes, sir."

Deborah Yung shuddered at the President's threat. The last thing she wanted to do was become an /animal/.

"I'm glad you understand."

The wall screen went dark as the President disconnected.

Deborah sat back in her chair, running her pale hands through long black hair. She nervously licked her lips, contemplating what had happened in the past few weeks.

Imagine her surprise when, throwing open the door to the place where they kept the cages, she realized they were gone. Years of investment and hard work, all gone. The window had been thrown open, and it had dawned upon her what had happened.

She sighed through her nose, closing her almond-shaped brown eyes.

Deborah would get them back, if it was the last thing she did.

Doctor Yung didn't want to become an animal.
114 years, 5 months & 22 days ago 8th Dec 2009 14:40
  1. ??????
    25th Oct 2017 10:29
    6 years, 7 months & 5 days ago
    25th Apr 2011 15:31
    13 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
    27th Dec 2010 08:36
    13 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  4. Venting
    17th Nov 2010 15:04
    13 years, 6 months & 13 days ago
  5. 1x1's
    4th Sep 2010 18:46
    13 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  6. All My RP'ing Plots
    2nd Dec 2009 17:00
    14 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
  7. Old Roleplaying Schtuff [[club crap]]
    25th Nov 2009 08:43
    14 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
  8. Roleplaying Intros and Crap
    22nd Sep 2008 19:03
    15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago