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14:56:46 MST
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Welcome to my profile.....My name is bluetaz2001

Click to read more about me :D

8wvemBs.gif I am an adult player who has been playing almost 16 years. I did take a nice long hiates for a while due to personal issues but I have been back for the better part of the last 3 years. I do log on more than once a day most days so if you need someone to talk to please leave me a message and I will take the time to listen.

Here is a break down of my user name. Blue is my favorite color, Taz is my favorite character and 2001 is just a random number I used. My real name is Marylu. :D

-- NONE of my pets are up for trade/sale
-- I am accepting friend requests at any time.
-- I do accept MM/MT (I love to make new friends)
-- I'm not always here even if the online indicator says so.
-- Staff: I sometimes log in on my phone too
-- I don't wanna join your club I like the one I am in thanks
-- I earned everything on here and nothing is for sale or trade unless otherwise discussed.
-- Read my blogs...I have several pets that will give you avatars (list not done yet), I also have a ton of stuff in my gallery that will give you avatars just MM me to borrow :) (list coming soon)
a. I am WILLING to loan you my pets and/or items out of the goodness of my heart.
b. I worked my a** off for what I have so I would appreciate a thank you in return.
c. I would like them returned as soon as you get the avatars please do not log off right after that...I will assume you stole my items.
-- I am not staff *wish I was* so I can't really help you all that much but if you do have a question I will try to point you in the right direction.
Player for 16 years, 8 months & 27 daysJoined 12th Sep 2007 14:36
You joined Marapets on September 12, 2007, 9:36 pm

Player for 16 years, 8 months & 27 days Joined 12th Sep 2007 14:36

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