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Marapets is mobile friendly
The ways I console myself
Are growing day by day
The dancers are fools and the watchers are fools
We're all fools, so why not dance anyway?

In her childhood, Nabile wished to become dancer.
But she receive no positive reinforcement from her family.
She was raised into life as a child prodigy.
However, she despised it, and leave it all behind.

Now Nabile work under hire by Gigas.
She collect debt money and intel for her boss.
Her levelheadedness help the group to succeed.

While her coworkers use force, Nabile is more sophisticated.
She try to gain trust to earn information on other debtors.
Their location are always valuable to Gigas.
But she is not above blackmail to collect debt.

Nabile reassure Gigas that he is not bad man.
Over time, she has taken more charge of the group.
Some member are nervous about her gaining power.
But Gigas is already wrapped around her finger.

Kysley is Nabile's greatest enemy.
She is thoroughly convinced Nabile is up to no good.
At every opportunity, she block her progress to extort patrons.
Day by day, Nabile become more frustrated.
Nabile the Moonlight Straya
3 years, 7 months & 23 days OldBorn 24th Oct 2020 08:31


In her childhood, Nabile wished to become dancer.
But she receive no positive reinforcement from her family.
She was raised into life as a child prodigy.
However, she despised it, and leave it all behind.

Now Nabile work under hire by Gigas.
She collect debt money and intel for her boss.
Her levelheadedness help the group to succeed.

While her coworkers use force, Nabile is more sophisticated.
She try to gain trust to earn information on other debtors.
Their location are always valuable to Gigas.
But she is not above blackmail to collect debt.

Nabile reassure Gigas that he is not bad man.
Over time, she has taken more charge of the group.
Some member are nervous about her gaining power.
But Gigas is already wrapped around her finger.

Kysley is Nabile's greatest enemy.
She is thoroughly convinced Nabile is up to no good.
At every opportunity, she block her progress to extort patrons.
Day by day, Nabile become more frustrated.